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"Hyung, what do I do?!" The man had immediately panicked at your text, but now that the clock was ticking and each precious second was passing by, is when he really started getting nervous. He was throwing all the clothes he deemed unworthy to the corner of his bed, "I messed up, and I fought with her, what do I do?! What will she say?! What do I wear?!"

The older man sighed, attempting to smooth some of his disheveled hair as he stands observing the mess, "Well, I don't know, meet her? She told you this last night and you've been bothered ever since, chill."

Jeongguk groaned, squinting his eyes at one of his shirts before shaking his head to himself and throwing it across the room on top of the tall pile of accumulated clothes, "Geez, you sound like Yoongi-hyung. It's like you've never been in love before."

The oldest member huffed at the sight of the room getting messier each passing second, but ignored his scolding for the sake of the stressed member, placing a hand on his shoulder, "Jungkook-ah, you'll look good no matter what you wear. Well, I'll look better, but that's not the point here; the point is, this is going to go well, and you still have hours to go, so take your time and relax, okay?"

The youngest visibly relaxed, his shoulders sagging. Seokjin took that as an achievement, standing up from his spot before (motherly) patting his head and exiting the member's room. Jeongguk mentally encouraged himself, making a mental note to clean the room when he comes back before continuing to rummage through his closet, but not before the oldest's head peeks through the door once again,

"But uh, maybe a joke will cheer you up-?"



He walked around the familiar area, watching as the passersby payed him no mind even as he walked with a black face mask and cap. He smiled a bit in familiarity as he reached the bench, the flashback of you both playing in his mind, remembering the fireworks that interrupted you both right as he was about to kiss you. He chuckled and sat down, recognition fresh in his mind, smiling as he watched the water reflect the many lights and stars.

He checked the time. It wasn't unnatural for you to be late, so he wasn't all that surprised when he had been sitting there for about ten minutes without seeing you. His eyes lit up at the sight of a H/C haired girl, only to be disappointed as she hugged another figure as they walked away hand in hand.

He checked the time again, 19:17. It had been nearly half an hour from when he arrived, but he did get there pretty early. He leaned back, watching the clouds gather around as the sky darkened. He pulled his mask back to his mouth and tightened the jacket around him as it started getting colder.

Where were you?


Your leg jumped impatiently as you checked the time on your phone, growing more anxious as the seconds passed. You groan as the cabdriver honks at the cars in front of him, the lines and lines of vehicles accumulating as the traffic increased. You gripped the gift you finally had in your grasp tighter, your heart hammering against your chest. Just then a drop of water dropped onto the window, and in a matter of minutes the sky started darkening as it started raining unexpectedly.

Fuck, was Jungkook waiting in the rain?

You finally groaned, your patience at its limit as you flung the cab door open, the driver's eyes widening, "It's raining pretty badly, girl, are you sure you want to run?"

You give him a curt nod as you rummage inside your bag for your wallet, paying him the right amount and bolting across the sidewalk, numbly noting the sounds of cars honking and rain falling heavily in your ears as you sprinted through the streets. You payed no mind as your hair and clothes started dampening or as you shoved people aside, the sound of your heavy breathing soon following your sprint.

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