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You sighed bitterly, the leaves crunching beneath your feet as you dragged them across the pavement, the crunching resounding in the tense frigid air that you stood in. You occasionally kicked the pebbles that stood in your way as you lazily watched them bounce against the sidewalk, mumbling incoherent words to yourself amidst your bored state.

Suddenly a large billboard caught your attention, seven familiar faces standing out as you halted your steps to observe their smiling faces. Although the one that caught your attention the most was the youngest, who stood in the far left corner with his wide bunny teeth. A small smile appeared on your face before it morphed into a smile of amusement. To think the international superstar as everyone knew him as was sleeping on your couch just a few days ago. Unbelievable.

You shifted your attention towards the girls whispering among themselves while looking up at the billboard. They were obviously fangirls, you decided as you continued your walk that had no particular destination. Sometimes you had to remind yourself that Jeongguk wasn't the same as before. While he might act the same; now he was rich, famous, and everything people envied him for. While to you he was just the same guy that loves teasing you and still has a hidden stash of cookies somewhere for himself. It was upsetting that sometimes people forgot he was a person like everyone else.

You halted your movements completely as you came across a familiar looking building. It wasn't particularly big, but you recognized it immediately as the BigHit building and you briefly wondered why or how your legs would drag you here without your consent. It was about noon, so he would have practice by this time already. You shrugged to yourself and decided to enter anyway, there would probably be no harm in visiting them.

You walked in and was greeted by the receptionist immediately raising a brow at your arrival. You recognized her and figured she must have recognized you as well. Her bewilderment was understandable, since you weren't with Jungkook anymore and haven't visited him for a while. You walked towards her while avoiding eye contact, instead paying attention to your surroundings that looked all too familiar.

"Y/N L/N?" she asked in her monotonous voice, and you nodded stiffly before finally looking her in the eye.

"Are they practicing right now? Can I.. visit?" you asked awkwardly as she continued staring at you, feeling relieved when she nodded and gestured for you to leave. You walked through the hallways and payed attention to the admittedly nice interior while following the loud music and voices that obviously belonged to the seven boys.

You arrived and paused right outside their door, the sudden anxiety getting the best of you. Would they even welcome you? Was the arrival too sudden? You didn't have time to think though as the door opened revealing Jin looking at you in surprise.

"Oh! Y/N?" he said a bit too loudly for your liking, almost immediately alerting the other six behind him. So much for that.

You cleared your throat before speaking, shifting your weight to another leg and awkwardly fiddling with your hands, "Yep, came to visit and stuff... I was bored." He flashed you a smile and stepped back for you to enter, and you walked in slowly while most eyes were now on you.

"'Sup?" you tried, flashing them an awkward peace sign and smile when all of a sudden the boys burst from their positions and danced around. Most likely because of your arrival, but you couldn't be too sure.

"Y/N!" The first to talk to you was Jimin and you immediately felt more at home, your previous anxiety melting away at the seven happy faces. Jungkook was hiding his face on the floor though, so you couldn't tell what he was thinking, so make that six happy faces.

You pass the energetic men while walking leisurely towards him, plopping yourself on the floor and watching in amusement as Jungkook sits up immediately, crossing his arms defensively over his chest while in a fighting position. You let out a small giggle and he eventually joins you, you both giggling childishly on the floor surrounded by the blindingly dull white walls of the practice room.

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