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You wake up in a daze, the first thing you stop to notice not being the person laying down beside you, but the throbbing of your head.

It was a particularly cold day, you think, sitting up straight and blinking slowly, lazily, holding your throbbing forehead in your hands. The entire room was blurry, your eyes not yet adjusted to the light that was peaking out of your blinds, the dress you were wearing yesterday clinging to your body from sweat. Just what was making your head so painful?

And then it all came crashing back.

Oh crap.

Oh crap.

If only for a second, you ignored the immense pain radiating from your head, your vision clearing as you felt a sudden shift in the bed beside you. You stiffen, your eyes widening, horror seeping through your veins as you slowly turn your head, dread in the pit of your stomach as you spot the obvious sight of the stupidly comfortable Jungkook sleeping next to you.

This scene seems oddly familiar.

As much as you would like to take the time to peel yourself out of bed, dress comfortably and get ready for the day on your own pace, the man you were upset at just yesterday- that was the very reason for your painful headache- is sleeping soundly without a care in the world.

Said man is jolted awake when he hears a loud crashing noise, which in the end was just you falling off the bed from shock.

He sat up straight and peeked at the source of the noise, seeing your sprawled out body on the floor and letting out a sleepy chuckle. You glare at him, the man ignoring it as he flopped back down on the mattress, much to your distress,

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, first you invade my house, sleep on my bed- stealing most of the blanket by the way, you always freaking do that- and now you go right back to sleep like it's nothing?! Hell naw, wake up-" You stand up straight, trying your best to ignore both the aching of your back and the continuous throbbing of your head, and march up to the boy and yank the blanket off of him, the man groaning in dismay.

He swung his feet around with his eyes closed in a desperate attempt to kick you, making you giggle and roll your eyes at the man that was not at all a morning person, "Yeah, yeah; get up, sleeping beauty, you have things to do."

You couldn't stay mad at him. Why would you? You weren't dating. You didn't have the right to be mad at him; he could kiss whoever and whenever he wanted. You shouldn't overstep your boundaries. If he wasn't in love with you anymore, you shouldn't worry over it. You must have let your anger out on him because the girls upset you.


Your snap out of your thoughts immediately as you spot the man sluggishly lift himself from the bed- blanket still draped over his shoulders- and finally trudge lazily towards your kitchen, stopping only to turn around whilst leaning his weight on the wall with his eyelids drooping slightly, "Make me food."

"Ah, fine, aish." You pass him, giving him a playful shove and giggling a bit when he whined and attempted to kick you again, his movement still lazy from sleep as you avoided it easily. You walk towards your kitchen with Jungkook close behind, gripping the blanket closer to his chest and blinking slowly as he watched you as clearly as he could in his sleep deprived state. You grab a spatula and turn towards him, waving it in the air as you gestured to him, "I'm only making this because I'm a good person and you helped me when I was drunk!" You pause, "Lemme use the bathroom first though. And get some medicine for this headache."

He nods cutely at you and watches you leave, hesitantly dropping the blanket on your sofa and walking towards your kitchen counter, placing a hand over his mouth as he yawned before grabbing everything he needed from the cupboards as he knew each location from heart.

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