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"Oh my god, forget me being awkward, I should have recorded that." There it is, he just knew you were going to say something about his previous awkward encounter with that idol. And to think he thought he would get blackmail material on you being awkward. Though maybe hearing the all too familiar, mellifluous laugh you let out beside him made it worth it. Didn't stop him from silently cursing at you though.

He didn't protest as he quietly walked beside you towards the table of food, silently admiring the way your eyes twinkled in excitement or the occasional skips of happiness you made in your steps. You didn't notice though, your thoughts immersed in the food you were approaching. You didn't notice him being dragged away by another female, either.

It was all too sudden, the way he was being forcefully dragged towards the corner of the building, watching your figure become smaller as he walked further and further away. He could have yelled for you, or- judging by how he was being dragged away by a female- he could have easily pulled away and questioned her. Though that would cause a scene, and there were too many people in the crowd, so it wasn't long until you were completely covered by bodies of other people.

"Um, excuse me?" He tried saying at the girl, whom he couldn't recognize, that made her immediately halt her steps and turn towards him excitedly,

"Jungkook oppa! Oh, I can't believe it, it's really you!!" He internally winced at her voice, letting out an awkward smile.

"Um, hi," he started, "what do you need? I'm quite busy, you see." Which was his way of subtly asking her what the hell she wanted.

"Ah, yes, of course you are." She giggled into her hand obnoxiously, and Jungkook then remembered why you always got so annoyed when he interacted with these kinds of people in your presence. The image of that girl, Fumi, suddenly appeared in his head and he internally cringed to himself.

"It's just that," she started, taking a step closer, placing a hand on his chest that set a million red flags in his head. His eyes widened as he desperately stepped back, colliding with an idol to which he bowed in apology to. She had him cornered. "I've been a fan for a while, you know? I really wanted to meet you~"

He started sweating, searching for you or his hyungs in the crowd to which he had no luck in finding. Though he did spot you only for a second when he looked behind him, looking nervous as you were surrounded by a few girls, one he recognized as the girl he spoke earlier to. You started looking even more anxious the more they spoke, which started worrying him-

"Jungkook oppa! Look at me!" And as soon as he turned around her lipstick filled lips connected with his, him scrambling to get her off before she placed her arms on his shoulder, trying to deepen the kiss. He felt disgusted, but only for a brief second he gathered his thoughts and couldn't help but compare the kiss to yours. Yours was different, so different. It set fireworks in him- as cheesy as that sounds- it filled him with a sense of comfort, it made him feel at home. He loved having the freedom of kissing you when he arrived at home, or before he left, or any time in between. He wanted it to be the first thing he feels when he wakes up, and the last thing he feels before going to sleep.

Goddammit, he was so in love with you.

So when he finally pushes the girl off, he didn't want the first thing he sees to be you, running into a waiter with tears already threatening to fall as wine spills on your dress. He didn't want to see you, dizzily bowing in apology before running off, the ones that witnessed whispering among themselves as they watched you with pity. You didn't deserve it.

So when he screamed your name and told you to stop, he didn't care about what they thought. He didn't care that, in consequence, he could be making a fool of himself or his reputation. Because dammit, he would choose you over his career any day, and the one mistake he made before you broke up with him was his own selfishness, it was exactly that. Choosing his career. And he hated himself for it.

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