(Prologue): Unexpected Meeting

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Warning, I guess: this will have quite a few curse words here and there. Thanks for reading!

Since the minute you left the comfort of your own home, people had begun glancing and sharing odd stares at you as you passed by. And they had every right to, considering you were mumbling incoherent phrases and curses with each step you took.

Every now and then you glanced down at your phone to check the address your friend had sent you, and as much as you liked the girl, you couldn't help but mumble low 'damn you's' along with other words as you crossed streets and walked down sidewalks.

It all started a few hours ago as your friend had bombarded you with texts and dared to interrupt the precious nap time that you very much needed to catch up on sleep. You had rubbed your eyes to brush off sleep and potential dark circles as you searched your nightstand for your phone, eventually unlocking it- squinting slightly at its brightness- and scrolling through your texts. And out of all the things she could have woken you up for, she had asked you to attend a damn group date.

You couldn't even process what she was saying before you mindlessly said yes, deciding to continue on with your nap before you heard your ringtone interrupt you yet again. And of course, it just had to be that very same friend who was there to remind you that you, in fact, only had about an hour to get ready.

So here you were, hurriedly speed walking towards the damn address she sent you, sometimes taking a few useless turns as you continued to furrow your brows and silently curse the poor girl.

The sight of the place had eventually come into view, and you had an odd mixture of relief and frustration build inside you as you were thankful you found it, but angry that you were here in the first place and not in the safety of your bed- nor were you watching the tv show you had to leave behind. And, as you mentally prepared yourself to walk in with the most genuine smile you could muster, you took a few steps and were eventually met with the inside of the selected restaurant.

You were immediately greeted with a mixture of smells, some more evident than others, as you inspected the place. It was rather small, but oddly comforting, with small paintings and utensils along with other decorations spread across the walls as you searched for your friend; and she, of course, had to be in the group with the rather obvious awkward ambiance surrounding it that was cramped in the corner of the restaurant.

You approached it bitterly, with absolutely no intention of dating any of the guys that were sitting there; which you really hadn't wanted in the first place. Ever since you had broken things off with your ex, you really weren't interested in dating any time soon, and standing here with these awkward people in this awkward atmosphere while making awkward conversation had confirmed these very thoughts.

After ignoring the look of relief your friends had sent you at your arrival, you sat down and rested your head on your palm while glancing out the window you were right beside. You heard names being exchanged, but you didn't bother looking until a boy sitting a few chairs away from you had waved his hand in front of you, "Excuse me, what's your name?"

"Y/N." You responded simply, stopping to stare at the unfamiliar face who shifted nervously in his seat before you continued to stare outside.

"We're sorry, but we're missing a few people here, including the one that had organized everything." You couldn't help but catch this part of the conversation. The guy that had organized everything- Also the guy you briefly remember your friend saying was cute- was the one who was late? You wanted to say something, but decided to stay silent and keep yourself occupied by staring but not processing the letters displayed on the menu.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell's jingle, meaning that someone had walked inside, along with the group of boys' shouts, "Hey! Over here!" You furrowed your brows in discomfort as you seriously considered abandoning your friends, damn, more people.

Soon you heard a group of guys' laughter echoing off the small restaurants' walls as they approached, some having to drag chairs from other empty tables to join the group you were currently in before you heard a loud voice say, "Sorry we're late!" As much as you wanted to somewhat socialize, you couldn't bring yourself to bother as you hid your face with the menu you were holding.

You heard a few whispers from the boy sitting in front of you soon after the group arrived, and as much as you were curious, you decided not to dwell on it. That is, until you heard the sound of him pulling back his chair and his footsteps walk towards another corner of the many connected tables of the group, followed by another person sitting in his space. Wait, did he hate your unsocial nature so much that he switched spots with someone else? You weren't always like this, you just really didn't want to get involved with these people, much less date one of them.

And then, you heard a voice in front of you clear his throat.

To be expected, you thought as you slowly let down the menu that was shielding your face to at least greet the male, but at the same time refusing to make eye contact no matter how rude you thought you were being. What you were oblivious to was the boy in front of you staring at you in absolute awe, taking in and memorizing your features as much as he could- from your luminescent, bored looking eyes that were still twinkling the way they always were; the way your choice of fashion had complemented your features; or simply the way you had attempted to make your hair look presentable but it was still slightly messy from the way you rushed towards the meeting you weren't looking forward to in the slightest- and he couldn't help but show his bunny-like grin from the way that was so you.

"Yah. Been a while, and you still look like the usual ugly, burnt piece of celery." Was all he could think of saying.

Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and your head almost immediately shot up, and you were face to face with him- kpop idol, internationally known, Jeon Jungkook- also, your ex.

If it was like how it was in the past, you would have retorted with a sassy comment of your own- but right now was not the time, considering you had only a few seconds to recover yourself from the shock of seeing your ex boyfriend who you haven't seen for over a year so it would seem like you have matured into a grown adult woman while he was away- which, by the way, you did not succeed in.

"W-wait, wait, wait-" you slowly dragged your hand from off the menu you were gripping and pointed your index finger in his direction while silently cursing yourself because damn, you stuttered. Your mouth hung agape as the boy in front of you chuckled- chuckled- as if he wasn't surprised to see you at all.


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