The Lynchs

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My name is Jasmine but my friends call me Jazzy or Jaz or J. I'm your typical girl 18 years old, just finished school and waiting for life to give her surprises. But the one thing that makes me stand out is my best friend. Who is he but the one and only Ross Lynch.

We knew each other even before diapers. Our mothers were friends in primary school and still are to this day. Me and him just stay friends but our mothers keep saying how cute it will be if we start dating but there is nothing between me and Ross.

His family is great. We have Riker, always making sure we don't do anything stupid, Rydel, my female best friend, Rocky, the one getting us in trouble 24/7, Ryland, the baby that we all care for, he is younger then me so he is the baby.

We also have Ratilff who is the funniest person I know. Dude makes us laugh for hours, doing things that are funny. Good memories.

I spend more time at their house then my own which is good cause my mom works all day long while my dad is busy in the hospital trying to be the doctor ever.

So life is good cause I have the Lynchs and Ratilff.

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