Chapter 6.

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As always I'm up before everyone else but when I go to the kitchen I see Rocky, Ross and Rydel all up and dressed.

"Good morning" they say together with a smile. They sat at the table having ceral and on their phones.

I wave at them as I go take a shower to start off the day. I change into a pink skirt and a floral shirt with pink converse. My hair is in loose curls and I go see the morning crowd.

"You look pretty" Rydel says with a smile as she looks at me.

"One day wont hurt to dress up as you just wake up flawless" I giggled as I served myself a bowl of ceral.

"C'mon Jasmine you're pretty all the time just like Rydel both of you are flawless" Ross smiles sweetly at the both

Rydel awes and hugs her brother "You are now my favorite" she giggles as she pecks his cheek.

I laugh at them and the rest of the crowd walks into the kitchen. Ryland stands next to me giving me a hug. I look at him then up to a tall lean figure.

"Good morning Riker" Ryland smirks as he still holds onto me. He looks at him then sees me which causes him to look away in a rush.

"Ryland just cause you're younger doesn't mean I cant hurt you" I whispered to him.

"I just said morning" he says at me.

"You've been warned" I whispered to him before I go sit next to Rocky at the table.

"Hey Jaz I need to show you something after breakfast yeah?" Rocky asked me in a whisper.

"Sure Rocky" I say as I take a spoonful of lucky charms into my mouth.

Riker soon takes a seat next to me. Great move Riker making things totally not awkward. I try to ignore his presence but all that comes to mind is him "helping himself".

"Can we talk?" his voice fills my ears.

I look at him seeing that he is staring me "Sure". We get up from the table and we go to the living room.

He takes a seat next to me on the couch and we were left alone.

"What you saw yesterday was unexpected" He starts off putting his hands together.

"Yeah pretty much since you were caught off guard" I giggled but then shook it off seeing he was serious.

"I'm sorry you saw that and I will try for that not to happen again" he says looking out the window then at me.

"Riker its okay I guess, you needed to help your needs and I will not blame you" I nod my head.

"Okay so we good?" he extends his hand out waiting for me to shake it.

"I wont be touching your hand for a while knowing what you did last night" I giggled at his reaction.

"Well then princess" he says. I get up from the couch but his arms wrap around my waist pulling me into him.

"Riker let go of me!" I say through a giggle.

"Nope not until you say we are good" he yells over my giggles.

"Okay we are good now let go of me!" I say and he releases me from his grip. He runs his fingers through his hair and smiles at me.

"You have grown up you know?" he says looking at me with a smile.

"Weird" I say before I go into the kitchen seeing the guys just staring at me.

"Hey" I yell at them seeing that their faces soften.

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