Chapter 4.

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  There I sat in the dining room looking at my parents who were talking with another couple in the room. Everyone was dressed a little fancy for some dinner with friends.

  I was wearing a pink dress, that my mom forced me to wear, along with white slippers and my hair was in a pony tail with the ends curled. My mom wore a beautiful red dress that made her look flawless and as for my father he had a dress shirt and black dress pants.

  The other couple were also dressed up, the women wore a dress with a shawl and the man wore a dress shirt and dress pants like my father. There was just a difference instead of girl sitting with them they had a boy who wore a tux.

  He had blonde hair that was styled back, he had chocolate brown eyes and looked around my age.

  After dinner the adults sat in the family room and send us kids to play upstairs in my room.

  I couldn't believe my mother would let me play with a boy I don't even know. Does she think just put us in a room together then we come out being best friends?

  We sit there in silence staring at each other while we play with the toys that were across the floor. He played with building blocks while I played with my dolls.

  "I'm Ross" he says after what seems like a whole year of silence. His voice was soft and gentle as he greeted himself with a smile.

  "I'm Jasmine" I say returning him the smile.

  "How old are you?" he asked tilting his head.

  "Four years old" I said holding up four fingers or at least what I thought was four.

  "Me too" he slides closer to me and puts a finger down "That's four"  he giggled.

  I look at my hand and counted four fingers "You're smart" I smile at him.

  He grinned and started to blush "Thank you. You are also pretty" he giggles some more.

  I felt my cheeks turn red at his comment and I giggle along with him "Are you a only child?" I asked more interested into the boy in front of me.

  "No I have one sister and three brothers" he holds up four fingers and puts it in my face.

  "Where are they?" I asked because he is the only one here.

  "They stayed home cause mom said they were in trouble so they are with a baby sitter" he frowns then smiles.

  "Oh well what do you want to do?" I asked rocking back and forth.

  "We can play hide and go seek!" he yelled as he waved his arms around.

  "I love that game!" I yell jumping up and down.

  "Me too!" we jump together before we stop and stare at each other.

  "Friends?" he extends his hand out as he raises a eyebrow.

  "Friends" I shake his hand and we cheer.


  I laugh at the memory and remember our young selves running around yelling we were best friends. I still remember Ross in that tux. Our parents took a picture of us on that day and I still have it to this day.

  Then I hear arguing coming from the kitchen and I remember meeting the rest of his family.


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