Chapter 3.

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  The rest of the night all we did was watch some movies then they all went to sleep early because we had to get on the road at 5am. I went home after that and tried to sleep but failed like always.

  I just read a book that killed me and eventually fell asleep.

  I heard a loud buzz that came from my phone telling me it was time to wake up. I check the time to see that its 4:30am and I groan as I get up from my bed.

  I grab my towel to take a shower that wakes me up, brush my teeth, and do my make up routine. I put on a pair of skinny jeans and a t shirt that wasn't tight but showed off my curves.

  I brush my hair then let it fall to my back seeing how long it has gotten. Loose curls and a laid back outfit always got Rocky's attention.

  I know I said I didn't like Rocky that way but it was funny to see him drooling over me sometimes. We all knew it was a joke but at points Rocky would act as if wasn't just a joke. I would be lieing if I said Rocky wasn't good looking but I'm not ready for a relationship especially with some one who I've know since I was a baby.

  He was older then me by a year since me and Ross are the same age. I did once had a crush on Ross when I was 9 but now I'm 18 and that's in the past.

  I hear a knock on the front and I go answer it. I open the door to see a smiling, messy hair Ross.

  "Hey" he says with sleepy eyes. I giggle at him and he just looks at me.

  "You look nice" I say with a smirk and he just makes a face.

  "Where is your luggage I'm taking it to the bus" He steps into my house and looks around the room.

  "Upstairs" I go upstairs with him following me. I go to my room and my suit case on top of my bed and a bag next to it.

  Ross looks around my room then smiles when he sees the Mickey Mouse on my dresser.

  "I remember when I gave you this" he smiles as he holds the small toy in his hands.

  "Yeah and it was nice of you to give it to me" I go stand next to him and give him a hug.

  He puts the toy back on my dresser and hugs me back. He pulls away and grabs my suitcase while I get my bag.

  "Got everything?" he asked before we left. I looked through my bag making sure I had my chargers, phone and basically everything else.

  "Yup" I nodded my head and we went outside. He put my luggage away as I went inside the tour bus. 

  There was a few couches when you first entered with a Tv screen in a corner. Going further their was a kitchen area filled with snacks and drinks already. Then after that were the bunks 3 on each side. Riker slept on the bottom one, Rocky in the middle then Ratilff on the top and in the other Ryland slept on the bottom, Rydel in the middle with Ross sleeping on the top bunk.

  Then after that was a bathroom that just had a shower, toilet and a sink. Ross comes inside and smiles at me seeing that this was a first time thing for me.

  "If you want you can sleep with me for a while since we will be waking up soon" he looks at the time seeing it was 6am.

"I'm alright I'm not tired" I take a seat on one of the couches and look out the window.

  "Then I will say with you" he lays on the couch I'm sitting on resting his head on my lap. For some friends this would be weird but for us this was normal.

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