Chapter 12

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  After playing both concerts it was the day where we finally went to the water park and everyone was excited to finally be a whole day out of the bus.

  I grab a turquoise bikini that Rydel lend me and over it I put on some shorts with a white crop top and done converse. After putting everything I needed into a small bag like my phone or a extra change of clothes I was ready. 

  "Are you guys ready?" I asked the others who were still changing.

  "I am" Rydel says jumping to my side with a bag as well full of stuff that she needed.

  "Done" Riker says coming up to us with a pair of sun glasses covering his eyes a white tank top and swim trunks on.

  "You look like you are ready for the runway" Rydel says laughing at him.

  "Haha you are so funny" Riker says fake laughing and what I suppose probably rolling his eyes after wards.

  "Guys hurry up!" I yell at the other boys who were taking ages to get ready.

  "Okay okay we're done" all the boys come out dressed and ready to go.

  "Alright let's go then" Rydel says as we come out of the RV and the sun blinds me for a moment but soon we walk off to the main entrance to give them our tickets.

  We got checked and our bags were search before we could finally enter the place and have some fun.

  "So where do we go first?" Rocky asked looking at all the rides and his face brightens up like a little kid on Christmas.

  "Roller coasters" Me and Ross say together without planning it. I look at him and smile then he returns the gesture.

  "Alright then but which one?" Ryland asked as he saw all the millions of roller coasters around the park.

  Rydel smiles "We should let the birthday girl decide" She says before going to my side and wrapping her arm over my shoulders.

  "What?" I asked looking at her in confusion.

  "Today is your birthday silly don't tell me you forgot your own birthday?" Rydel asked raising a eyebrow at me.

  It was my birthday today, dang it. "I have been busy helping you guys I guess I forgot guys" I shrug my shoulders.

  "So if it us Jazzy's birthday today then we should let her choose the rides and the place where we should eat" Rocky says smiling at me after he says so.

  "I agree" Riker says and soon others follow.

  "Fine then how about we go to that huge one over there" I point to the huge roller coaster that was the main one in the park.

  "Sure let's go" Riker says and we soon go heading to the ride.

  As we walk to the ride a groups of teenage girls come up to us, fans. I could tell since they had their hands shaking and huge smiles on their faces.

  "Can we have a picture?" A blond girl who looked to be thirteen and had a huge smile on her face.

  "Sure sweetie" Rydel says standing next to the girl.

  I smile at the two girls who were meeting their idols in a amusement park. I know how they feel since I once had the chance of meeting one direction in a concert and let's say I could barely speak.

  "Thank you so much" the red head girl says before both girls run off laughing and cheering.

  "That was nice" Ross says with his hands on his hips as he looks at the two girls running off.

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