Chapter 16

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Jasmine's words hurt me even if it was just a few words but they stung especially coming from your best friend refusing you to love them. I was offering her the love I was giving, I've never loved someone else who wasnt my family. But yet she wanted none and it felt as if I was getting rocks thrown at me every time I breath cause I hurt to do many things now.

I wanted to hate her for what she did to me but I couldn't cause I loved her more then I could even have a chance to hate her. Its been a week since then but yet I found those words haunting me in my dreams and her face always filled with innocence haunt me more then it should.

Someone always haunting your dreams. Now I would think of a scary movie doing the trick or a haunting moment but a person? Now that's called a talent. Soft brown eyes, a sweet smile, just someone so beautiful haunting your dreams knowing they are so close but yet so far and not being able to have them. That's pain.

Tonight was the last concert of this tour and tomorrow I was going to finally be back home to were my family was. I was in the dressing room playing my guitar preparing for tonight wanting this concert to be the best one so far.

The last concerts are the best because that's where the best memories come from. The last crowd of the tour are the craziest crowds. You never know what will happen or how they react to the songs you play as you stand there on the stage performing them.

I remember writing that song one night spilling out my feelings on paper as music. Nothing was telling me what was wrong or what was right, I just drew down notes and words finding out that it was actually good.


I played on my guitar playing notes and singing out my heart for someone who broke it. I knew that she will never knew how I really felt for, she will never know how much I can actually love her or how I could make her feel in my arms, making her feel love.

Jasmine did hurt me but the way I always got rid of those feelings was through music. I can write songs through anything, I just spilled out words not having any idea of what I was doing soon it became a song.

That's what I was doing tonight writing a song through my heart being broken. I even posted on instagram that I was going to write a good song for her but I never stated her name cause I wanted this to be special just for me.

I sat there in the dark with my guitar not knowing what time it was or who was up I just sat there watching the moon. I even stared at the stars wanting to know what I did wrong for her to reject me just like I was a stray wet dog.

I put my emotions on the paper and sang my heart out finding each note matching every word I sang. I just sang finding that the knot in my chest was slowly going away making me feel more relaxed then I should be from this experiences I've been through.

I knew I couldn't escape her but I knew that I could replace my feelings for her and I wanted them gone as soon as possible.


I practice one of the songs we have created and that's when I saw Riker standing on the door frame looking at me with emotionless eyes.

"Hey" I said as I put my guitar to the side and put my face into my hands stressed over tonight.

Riker walked to me taking a seat next to me on the couch knowing in what position I was in. I told him what was bothering me all the time since I really didn't want to bother anyone else with what you can say love life.

"What's wrong Ross?" He asked looking at me and I took a deep breath.

"I can sing this song at every other concert perfectly fine but now its hard knowing that she is going to be in the crowd" I spilled out having no control over what I say.

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