Chapter 2.

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  That night I went home only to see I was home alone like always. I went up to my room and decided to watch some movies so I had something to entertain myself to. But before that I changed into a pair of comfy shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

  I started to watch We're The Millers and I had popcorn in the microwave downstairs. Once the snack was ready I ran downstairs got the bag and ran back upstairs. That was basically my night, watching movies, eating popcorn before I fell asleep.

  That morning I wake up to someone bouncing on my bed. I start to think a robber broke into my house but then why would they be bouncing on my bed. I come out of the blankets and see Rocky sitting on the bed smiling like a innocent child.

  "Good morning Jaz" he says as he got up from the bed.

  I rub my eyes and look at him "How did you get in?" I asked still tired.

  "Your mom let us in" he explains as he touches the small things in my room.

  "Us?" I asked finally wake. I rested on my elbows and looked at my room like wonderland. Well he has never been in my room which could explain it.

  "Yeah me and Riker. He is downstairs talking to your mom about something" he says looking at me before holding the small mickey mouse that Ross got me when he went to Disney land.

  "Mickey" he giggles as he swings the small toy around by its hands. I laugh at him before hitting him with a pillow.

  "What was that for?" he whines rubbing his side.

  "For disturbing my sleep and you need to leave so I can change"I get up from my bed and point to the door telling him to leave.

  "Fine but if you need us we will be downstairs" he leaves me in my room and I shake my head.

  I grab my towel and go take a shower to start the day off. After a nice cool shower I get out of my pajamas to change into a white tank top and ripped skinny jeans with my white converse.

  I do my normal make up routine and do my hair in soft loose curls. Once done with all of that I go downstairs to see Rocky and Riker thumb wrestling.

  "Hey guys" I say as I jump down stairs and lean on the couch to see their faces. They look at me and Riker smiles while Rocky frowns.

  "What?" I asked at him poking his cheek.

  "You take forever and we have a surprise" he frowns but then smiles towards the ending.

  I groan before I look down, when they say surprises it always meant pranks. "What is it?"

  "You know we will be leaving in a few days for our tour right?" Riker asked as if he hasnt talked about it twenty million times a day.

  "Yes and I hate you because you will be leaving me all alone" I pout before smiling at them.

  "Well we asked your mom if you could join us for the tour and she said yes!" Rocky says with a huge smile.

  I smile and jumped on them. They started laughing and we all hugged each other while jumping. I was joining my best friends on tour! How awesome is that?!

  "Start packing we are leaving tomorrow morning" Riker smiled making me frown at the little time I have left but then smile cause I will be traveling with my friends.

  "I will help" Rocky laughed only getting hit on the head by Riker. I laughed at them before I ran upstairs to my room to start packing.

  I put in half of clothes, some shoes, my laptop, my camera and in a separate bag things I know I will need for the bus. Don't need to explain but lets say some shampoo, soap, and some stuff for the thing that comes once a month. Smiles.

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