Chapter 5.

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  I wait for everyone else to wake up but it was their fault for staying up till 3 in the morning. Only a week into the tour and we have become so boring that all we do is eat and sleep.

  Finally after a hour of waiting someone wakes up but I only see Ryland who is smiling at me.

  "Good morning" he takes a seat across from me on the couch and turns the Tv on.

  "Do you want anything to eat?" I asked him.

  "No I'm fine Jazzy" he smirks at my nickname. He always thought my nickname was funny so he just liked to call me Jasmine or J rarely Jazzy.

  "So are you excited for your shpw tonight?" I asked trying to keep the conversation flowing. I just waited an hour for some one to wake up and I need to be entertain by some thing or some one.

  "Yeah we sold out and that is amazing like woah" he threw his arms up in the air and softly cheer trying to not wake any one up.

  I giggled at him "Yeah must feel amazing knowing girls would do anything to just touch you" I smiled at him smirking.

  "It feels okay I guess but who enjoys it the most is Rocky. He really enjoys being with the fans" Ryland changed the channel and sighed seeing nothing good was on.

  "I bet Rydel is suck" I smirk as I grab one of the pillows and throw it at Ryland.

  "Yeah she is the only girl but now their is you and the fans know who you are now" he smiled throwing the pillow back hitting the window next to me.

  "Good throw" I giggled.

  He sticked his tongue out "Shut up" he frowned then laugh at me.

  "Its nice to talk to the baby sometimes" I get up from the couch and try to hug a squirming Ryland.

  "What do you mean sometimes?" he raised an eyebrow.

  "You are sometimes a little too hyper or just in a bad mood. So when that happens you hang a sign on your bedroom that says Don't Bother" I tell him and he just stares at me like I'm crazy.

  "So when that happens I put up a sign?" he asked pointing at himself.

  "Don't act stupid Ryland" I was annoyed that he was acting like this.

  He chuckled "I don't have a sign and in every mood I like to talk to you Jasmine"  he shrugs his shoulders.

  "Oh" I look down and then back at him seeing him running his fingers through his messy bed hair.

  "So should we wake them up or?" he asked looking at me.

  "I think we should we are almost to the venue" I open the curtain a little to the window seeing that we were in a city.

  "Lets go" he gets up and goes wake up Rydel who is the easiest person to wake up.

  I go to Riker and poke his cheek "Hey wake up Riker the bus is on fire" I whispered at him.

  His eyes open wide and filled with worry "Are the rest outside?" he shuffles around his bed and stops once he sees me giggling.

  "Good morning or should I say afternoon" I go to Rocky and lightly peck his kiss.

  He slowly opens his eyes and smiles "Thank you Prince Charming" he chuckles.

  "Your welcome Sleeping Beauty" I see the others are awake then I go to see Ross fast asleep storing softly.

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