Chapter 14

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  I stare at him for a while trying to process what just happen and what I just did. Then it finally hits me, I kissed my best friend who I have known for my whole life.

  I look at Ross and see the little boy wearing a tux that night where it all began and I felt extremely bad not wanting to ruin our friendship, cause that's what matters more to me then love. I put my friends first then my own feelings.

  "Jasmine answer me" Ross looks at me and I feel my eyes water wanting to feel nothing. I want to be stone cold.

  "I just want to be friends" I said in a whisper voice knowing that the others are on the other side.

  Ross looks distressed he stares at me and his eyes fill with moisture "Is this what you want? Jasmine I really care for you, I love you"he says grabbing my arms and bending over to connect our foreheads.

  I really wanted to hug him and say I love you back but he was my friend, no my best friend. That and I know how this can all go wrong, I was a stupid selfish teenage girl who only thought about herself.

  "Ross I just want to be friends please don't do this to me" I say feeling hot tears roll down my cheeks.

  He looks down and sniffles "Fine have it your way" was all he said before storming out the kitchen leaving me alone.

  I go to the bathroom locking the door and cry finding some relief in doing so. I look in the mirror and see how much I've change from the beginning to now.

  My hair is lighter then ever, my skin has gotten tanner and that shine that my eyes used to have was now gone. Mascara was running down my cheeks and I quickly grabbed some paper towels cleaning them off.

   I finally step out the bathroom and I see Ratliff sitting on the island drinking a glass full of coke. He looks at me and his expressions changes from happy to worried in half a second.

  "You okay Jasmine?" he asked getting off the island and coming to me putting his hands on my shoulders studying my face. He looked at my red puffy eyes to my faint black mascara trails on my cheeks.

  "Yeah just a little home sick that's it" I said feeling bad that I'm lieing to yet one of my close friends and even fake a smile just for him.

  He doubts me for a while but he goes with it and smiles at me "Well we all get home sick once in a while and you need a cook Ratliff milk shake made by me" he rubs his up and down my arms and gives me a comforting smile.

  "Nah I'm alright I just may need some sleep" I said then saw disappointment take over his face making me feel even worse, I've hurt two people in one day "How about once I'm up I'll take that Ratliff milk shake" I said cheering him up.

  "Alright Jazzy go rest in my bunk and once you're up my Ratliff milk shake will be ready for you" he says before giving me a hug, it was a comforting hug, a friendly hug.

  "Thanks Ratliff" I said meaning it before going to his bunk and lay there looking at the brown wood.

  This was the worst I've ever felt and knowing I hurt someone really killed me especially since it was my best friend. Never in my mind would I have thought that this would happen, that things would get so bad like this, I just wanted to make everyone happy but I guess it isn't going as plan. I close my eyes as I lay here and try to forget everything for a while.


  I wake from my sleep and find the bus empty. How long did I sleep? I get out of the bunk and look around for anyone but there is no one. That's when see that the bus isn't moving and that we must be at there next venue.

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