Chapter 1.

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  I wake up on the floor of Rydel's room. I stayed the night because after we watched a horror film I was too scared to go back home. My parents understand if I'm not home they know that 99.9% of the time I'm at the Lynch's house or at school.

  When I wake up with Rydel still sleeping. I look at the time seeing it was only eight o' clock. I get up from the floor and head to the bathroom. I come here so often that I have my own toothbrush and bathroom needs like shampoo and other stuff.

  Once I finish brushing my teeth I head to Ross' room. He is still sleeping when I enter his room, his face in a pillow and the covers away from him. He was a messy sleeper and he snored softly.

   His room was plain but the yellow walls made it feel more vibrant. His desk was brown, his bed frame was a dark brown and a flat screen tv hung from the wall. A closet in the corner that was huge but not completely filled with clothes.

  I poke Ross' face and he moves away. I do it again for the fun of it and his eyes open. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me with him on the bed. I giggle as I lay next to him on the bed and he also laughs along with me.

  "Good morning" I say with a smile. He looks at me then looks up at his yellow ceiling.

  "You poked my face, that doesn't sound like a good morning to me" he waves his arms around in the air and chuckles after wards.

  "Well sorry but I found it boring to just wake you up the normal way" I smile innocently at him then stick my tongue out.

  He shakes his head at me "You're weird" he flicks my nose and I flick his in return.

  We continue to talk about random things till Riker calls us for breakfast. Me and Ross wrestle as we head downstairs and I gladly end up winning for the first time ever.

  "I will get you next time" Ross points at me as he takes a seat next to Rocky and Riker.

  "Leave the girl alone Ross" Rydel reaches across the table to slap Ross on his arm. I take a seat in between Rydel and Rocky.

  "Ow" Ross pouts and rubs his arm. He laughs later and starts to eat his breakfast. We all do the same and talk about stuff that just came random to us.

  "So while we are here what do you want to do Jasmine?" Riker asks me and everyone eyes are on me.

  "I don't know whatever you guys want to do" I bite into my toast and their eyes are still on me.

   "We always do things we want, lets do stuff you want to do" Rocky looks at me then smiles.

  "Well I don't know just surprise" I continue to eat my toast until its all gone. I see that they are also finishing up their food and I'm glad that the conversation is over.

  "Its Ryland turn to do the dishes" Rocky yells as he puts everyone dish into the sink.

  Ryland groans but makes his way to go wash the dishes. We all go back upstairs to get change cause wearing our pajamas all day doesn't fit R5 life.

  I change into a blue crop top and a pair of ripped high waist jeans with blue converse. My hair is in loose curls and my everyday make up. I walk out Rydel's room and to see the boys out in the living room waiting for us.

  "You take forever to get ready" Ross whines. He is dressed in a pair of jeans, a white blue striped shirt and white converse with his usual sun glasses.

  "But it was worth it" Rocky smirks as he looks me up and down. He can flirt with me but we both know its all a joke.

  Riker hits Rocky on the side of the head "Lets go lover boy". Rocky mumbles something to himself before we all stroll outside to the car.

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