Chapter 9

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  The whole concert I stayed in their dressing room with my knees to my chest and my hair touched my shoes.

  "That was a amazing concert" The door opens then a herd of footsteps walks through. I look up to see R5 walk in all smiles and some have sweaty faces.

  When I see Ross I get up from the couch and go hug him. At first I expected to be pushed off but he hugged me back and it made me smile.

  I look at him and see the same old Ross that I grew up with, no longer mad or moody but he was just Ross.

  "Where is my hug babe?" I turn to see Rocky with his arms open wide for me to hug him. I roll my eyes at him and give him a hug. I felt as if this was wrong something that shouldn't have happen.

  When we separated he surprised me by attaching his lips to mine. I look at his face seeing his eyes closed and here I was with my eyes open staring at him. He smiled at me after the kiss and I return him the smile. 

  "We need to get back on the bus guys" Riker says as he carries his bass with him out the door.

  "Wait where is my phone?" Ryland asked as he looked around the room searching for the lost item.

  "I have it" Ross says pulling the phone out of his pocket handing it to Ryland "You told me to have it in case"

  "Oh right" Ryland looks at his phone with a smile putting it away in his pocket.

  After that scandal we got onto the bus and went off to the next concert that is in three days. I sit on the couch in the dark while everyone else ia asleep, or at least I hope so.

  Thoughts in my head start saying things like kissing Rocky was wrong or I should've closed my eyes. Something told me this was all a mistake that should have not happen making tears roll down my cheeks.

  I was lost in my emotions not knowing what I should do. I was always sacred of going into a relationship, scared of the same thing happening to me like last time. Every time a guy would flirt with me, touched me, stared at me or even kissed my cheek fear always ran through my body.

  The only thing that was heard were my sniffles and whimpers that I tried to quiet down but I failed miserably. I was so focused on quieting my cries that I didn't notice that Riker was sitting next to me.  

  "Are you okay?" he said quietly wrapping his arm around me in a comforting way. My body tensed at his touch, even with the people I knew my whole life I was scared with my past.

  "If I tell you promise me you won't tell anyone" I looked at him through tears in my eyes that once I blinked they rolled down my cheeks.

  He wiped them away and nodded. Out of all of my friends I trusted Riker the most after Ross since he had experience more then the rest of us, he had more views on life then the rest of us.

  "I think dating Rocky is a bad thing" I whispered through choking tears.

  He pulls me into his chest and holds onto me " Why?" he asked softly.

  "I'm scared of it happening again. I'm scared of getting hurt like last time, scared of caught in a lost hope" I say with my eyes closed and gripping onto his shirt.

  He ran his fingers through my hair "What happen Jasmine?" he asked with fear in his voice.

  I whimpered at the memories that ran through my mind "He would hit me" I croaked.

  He let out a shaky breath and I could feel tears land onto my hair. Even though we weren't blood related blood doesn't make a family,  love does and that's what we all had for each other, love.

  "Rocky wouldn't do that to you" he says finally after a long silence.

  I pull back to look at his face seeing tears rolling down his gentle face "That's the thing I know he wouldn't but I don't feel safe around him like I should" I whispered to him.

  "Then who do you feel safe around?" he asked putting a piece of my hair behind my ear.

  "You-" he cuts me off.

  "For a relationship" he specifies. 

   I looked at the ceiling before I looked at him again "Ross" I whispered.

  He smiles softly and hugs me "Then maybe Rocky isn't for you" he says into my hair.

  "But I don't want to hurt his feelings" I say.

  "I can tell he won't mind, you know just a feeling" he says looking at me with a smile that always made me happy.

  "Well maybe I can talk to him about it" I say finally feeling better.

  "Yeah cmon you need to sleep and since this talk I think Rocky is the last person you want to sleep with tonight so join me" he says before pulling me to his bunk.

  I lay on my side while he hugs me, these were the moments that some say it should be awkward but for me it was a happy moment. My friends are no longer friends but my family and nothing is weird with them. Even if we started dating the broke up it will all be forgotten in a second soon being our crazy species again.

  This is why I loved being with my friends and it was a thing they always did. They made me happy and were always there for me.

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