Chapter 7

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  I was talking to Ryland about how awesome tomorrow concert was going to be. Ever since the tour started every concert made me excited it gave me a jolt of energy.

  We were deep into our conversation until we saw Rocky walk in with Jasmine by his side. I instantly wanted to rip them apart not wanting to see them stand together.

  "Guys I have some news for all of you to hear. Me and Jasmine are dating" Rocky says to us.

  Everyone claps while I remain in shock. My brother dating my best friend, why do I feel jealous? I know I have had some feelings for Jasmine but right now I want to kill Rocky for dating her.

  "Now we cant tell the fans so can we just do that?" Rocky says one last time before everyone around me starts to talk.

  I just stare at Jasmine who looks back at me, her smile fades. I feel like punching a wall but at the same time I want to curl in a ball and cry in the corner.

  Everyone continues their talk about the two and I zone out not wanting to hear anything they say. I just watch him wrap his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek making her blush. She looks so innocent and pure while Rocky looks like he will crack that innocence when he can get the chance.

  Knowing Jasmine she will never say no just to please everyone. Rocky will take advantage of that knowing that he will take her virtue in one step.

  I see that everyone moves away from the topic and Rocky goes stand next to Riker no one paying attention to Jasmine who was standing there being her innocent self.

  I get up from my chair and wrap my hand around her arm dragging her to the living room. I know I could be hurting her but right now my blood was boiling making me not being able to control my anger.

  "Explain now" I say making her face me.

  "Me and Rocky are just dating no big deal" She says like there is no problem to Rocky.

  If Rocky was a nice guy that I knlw that could treat her right and not take advantage of her, just maybe I will let them be together but since he is not I cant stand the thought of them together.

  "It is a big deal cause you ate my best friend and he doesn't deserve you" I say wanting to yell it to her but knowing they are in the bus I cant do so. I want her to know what Rocky can do but I just cant.

  "He is my boyfriend and you will always be my best friend Ross no matter what" she reaches out to touch me but I just jerk away.

  I really thought that I could do something but I was worthless to the situation. Why cant she see I care more for her then a friend?

  I was there first but like always Rocky had to get her first. He had to take her first and he does this only to get me worked up. But then if he actually cares about her it will kill in one shot knowing that I just lost my chance of having the girl I always wanted.

"I thought you will understand" I say before I walk away from her and head to the bathroom. I slam the door behind me and slide down it not wanting to see what lies behind it.

  Can I have a chance or am I alone?

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