Chapter 10

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  I woke up alone on the bunk and when I checked my phone it was already 12. I groaned as I went got out the bunk getting my towel and a pair of fresh clothes before heading to the shower.

  "Hey babe" Rocky says from the booth in the kitchen. I smile at him before going into the bathroom locking the door then entering the shower. Once I was finished I put on a pair of high waisted black jeans with a baggy white shirt. I blow dry my hair letting it have its natural waves before leaving the bathroom.

  "Jasmine!" Ross yells before getting behind me trying to hide his tall frame behind my small one.

  Just when I was about to asked what was happening Ratliff runs into the kitchen with a angry face and looks like he wants to break Ross.

  "What is going on?!" I asked completely lost on this situation.

  "Ross took something from me" Ratliff whined as he pointed to Ross.

  "No I didn't" he whined back trying to act innocent but failing terribly.

  "What did you take Lynch?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest and looking him in the eye.

  "Nothing but a love letter ge wrote to Rydel" he giggles showing me the paper in his hands. It was a love letter with Rydel's name on the top and Ellington's name on the bottom with hearts as the border.

  I snatched the paper from Ross' hand before giving te paper to Ratliff who sighs in relief. I poke his cheek and giggle.

  "You like Rydel" I giggle at him seeing he was annoyed at me.

  "Be glad that you're my friend" he said but then smiled just shrugging it off.

  "So what do we do now?" Ross asked noticing there is nothing to fight for anymore.

  "Walk off and pretend this never happen" Ratliff says before walking off leaving me and Ross alone in the kitchen.

  "What do you want to do?" I asked Ross looking up at him.

  He looked down at me shaking his head "You have Rocky to have fun with go ask him" he starts to walk off but I grab him arm stopping him in his tracks.

  I was shocked at my actions, I didn't plan on doing so but it was like a reflex. He looked at me his eyes  were comforting while his facial features looked like he wanted nothing with me.

  "Let go" he says through hus teeth. I didn't understand, one minute we were okay like when we were kids and now he wanted me in a ditch. Something wouldn't let me let go of him but instead made me wrap my arms around his waist.

  He wouldn't hug me or even touch me making my eyes water. He just stood there not touching me while I hug his waist.

  "I miss you Ross" I said into his waist knowing that if I looked up to him I will start to cry.

  He doesn't say anything for the longest time ever making me nervous. I grip the back of his shirt.

  "Say something please" I croaked feeling the tears soon rolling down my cheeks. I have cried most on this tour since my whole life.

  "Jasmine let go'' he finally says shocking me.

  I feel even more broken then before, he didn't want me. I push myself off just enough to look at him but I still grip his shirt.

  "Ross you're my best friend and IT need you in my life please" I beg at the blond hair boy who didn't bother to look at me.

  "Jasmine right now I don't want you, you have Rocky let him entertain you" he says harshly trying to leave me but I just grip his shirt tighter.

  I took a deep breath making sure I was going to tell him this "I made the mistake of getting into a relationship that I'm not ready for. I am scared of my past becoming my future Ross and the person I feel safe around is you that's why I still need you with me" I say softly trying to fight back all the tears that are trying to come.

  He stays silent for a while before I finally feel his arms wrap around me pulling me close to his chest "I've missed you so much" he says into my hair.

  "So are we best friends again?" I asked him looking at his eyes.

  "Yeah" he nods smiling before pulling me close to hug him again.

  "My two favorite people" We look at Riker who is walking into the kitchen smiling at us "So are you guys okay?" he asked looking at each of our faces.

  "Yeah" me and Ross say together in sync.

  "Great cause it was hard to keep the others away from the kitchen. You thought I didn't see you two there so I gave you your privacy" he says with a smirk.

  "Thank you? " Ross questions.

  "Let's go back before we get caught" Riker says walking in front of us as we entered the living room.

  "Hey babe" Rocky says for who knows how many times this day and gets up from his spot on the couch to hug me while Ross stands behind me.

  "Hey Rocky" I separate from him and go take a seat with Ross next to Rydel.

  "I swear Rocky is crazy" she laughs looking at her younger who was trying to touch his nose with his tongue.

   "Yeah but you love him" I say to her and she looks at me awkwardly.

  "So do you" she says with a smile.

  I nod my head instead of saying yes. I look at Rocky again then look at Ross who looks at me and smiles.

  There was this awkward connection between me and Ross that most of the others didn't have. I look at him and he looks back at me or I do something then he does it like flipping my hair or smiling.

  It was the stupid little things that I liked about him or that I found interesting. Like in high school were Ross once got wasted at a party making me call Riker to pick us up. He was so happy even during his hangover, he was just so cheerful making me smile.

  I didn't want to fall for my best friend but I guess I did. I like his hugs, his smile, his laugh, how he is so easy to talk to and how happy he makes the people around him. He was perfect to me with flaws and all.

  "You okay?" Rocky says putting his hands on my knees leaning toward me.

  I was snapped out my thoughts and I looked at Rocky, my friend. All I saw in him was just a brother or friend. I did love him but not in that way that I should. He was funny, easily can make you laugh he was someone's perfect guy but he wasn't mine.

  "Rocky can we talk?" I asked quietly looking into his eyes.

  "Sure" he says with a smile, I hope he can still smile with me around.

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