Chapter 11

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  "So what is it babe?" Rocky asked as he stood in front of me while I leaned on the kitchen counter. I start to zone out remembering everything that has happen in his kitchen or even better on this wild tour.

  A lot has happen in this tour for month already and there was still more to happen. I'm just hoping that I don't become a bother to them which I will hate.

  "Hey earth to Jasmine" Rocky waves his hand in front of my face taking me away from my thoughts.

  I looked at him and smile but then I remember the reason why I brought him here. He was my friend, he will understand right? I hope he does.

  "Rocky you know I love you right" I tell him seeing his eyes soften and a smile spreads over his face making me feel like the bad person here.

  "Yeah I know" he says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

  "But I love you like a brother not anything more then that" I say looking into his brown eyes.

  We stood there in silence staring at each other not knowing what to say. He just stood there looking at the floor saying nothing, there was just silence. 

  "So you are breaking up with me?" he said in a quiet voice but instead of looking at me he looked out the window that was behind the booth in the kitchen. He had his hands in the pockets of his jeans which always meant he felt awkward or insecure.

  "I guess so" I say looking at him up and down.

  He sighs then looks at me "Is this about Ross?" he asked.

  I stood there not knowing what to say. I no longer had feelings for Rocky besides him being like a brother to me but I knew there was some part in there involving Ross. "To be honest yeah" I say.

  "I knew it" he mumbles and then we go back to being in the awkward silence.

  "Jasmine I want to be honest too, I only asked you to be my girlfriend to see how Ross will act and I knew you wouldn't fall for me" Rocky says running his fingers through his hair.

  "So this was all a plan?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

  "Yup. So how did I do?" he asked with a smile.

  "Good actually, I think you should be the actor now instead of Ross" I gently punch his arm and smile at him glad to have my friend back.

  "Well I think a Oscar will be given to me soon don't worry" Rocky winks at me.

  "So we friends still right?" I asked wanting to make sure that we were still friends and it wasn't just in my imagination.

  Rocky smile soon fades away and frowns "I hate that you think we can't be friends Jasmine. Of course we are still friends" he says with his smile returning.

  I hug him feeling his arms wrap around me "Love you Rocky" I say in a friendly way.

  "Love you too Jazzy" he says with a smile.

  We head back to the living room and everyone stares at us. I smile at them and then take a seat next to Riker while Rocky takes a seat next to Ratliff.

  "So what happen with you guys?" Rydel asked.

  I look at Rocky and smile at him "You tell them" I say.

  "We broke up" he shrugs as he tells everyone else.

  "So bad news for all of you I have to share beds with you guys again" I say with a smile.

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