Chapter 13

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  I wake up to Ross' breath hitting my face and I smile at how he looks when he sleeps, I still can't get over his face. I poke his cheek making his face scrunch up then I poke it again waking him up and he sighs at me.

  "Good morning" I say smiling at him seeing he is annoyed at the way I woke him up.

  "I hate being poked let me sleep" he groaned pulling the sheets up to cover his face.

  "Well I'm going to eat and I hope to see you up when I'm done" I say as I get out the bunk or jumping off the bunk then go to the kitchen.

  I grab waffles from the freezer and pop it in the toaster waiting for it to cook. I grab some orange juice out the fridge and pour it in seven cups for all of us.

  Since all of them were nice to me and taking me to the park I am making them a proper breakfast or at least what I think a proper breakfast can be on a tour bus.

  I put more waffles in the toaster and set up the table. There was a plate of waffles stacked in the middle and I even cut up some fruit for them to eat then to top it all of some orange juice.

  Once I was done Riker walks in the kitchen the stares at the table then looks at me. He keeps looking at the table then at me which starts to get on my nerves just a little.

  "What happen here?" he asked confused of what was in front of him.

  "I made you guys breakfast showing how thankful I was for making yesterday the best day of my life" I said with a smile "Other then meeting you guys of course"

  Riker smiles big and gives me a hug "Meeting you was the best day of our lives too and thank you" he puts a kiss on my forehead and takes a seat at the table.

  "I smelled food and I'm hungry gi me" Rocky says walking in quickly taking a seat at the table/booth.

  I laugh at him shaking my head as he grabs from the plates filled of food in the middle.

  Rocky noticed me laughing at him and he smirks "I'm hungry" he says looking at me then putting his attention back to the food in front of him.

  "I heard Jasmine made breakfast this morning. What's the occasion?" Ratliff asked walking with Rydel by his side.

  "To thank you guys for a great day yesterday" I say looking at all their faces and smiling at them all.

  "Your welcome Jazzy" Rydel gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

  "Go eat cause I worked hard on this meal" I say as I point to the table filled of food making people laugh.

  "Don't worry Jasmine I'm almost done with half of the food" Rocky says lifting up his fork and smiling.

  "Save some for me" Ryland walks in the kitchen and takes a seat at the table "Oh thanks for breakfast" he says looking at me making me happy.

  "We are missing one person" Riker says looking at everyone's faces and I knew who was missing out of the crowd.

  "Ross get in here right now!" They all yell and Ross quickly rushed into the kitchen with a worried expression.

  "What?" he asked looking around and his eyes stopped on me and I look at him not wanting to look away from his amazing eyes.

  "Come and enjoy the food that Jasmine made for us" Riker gets up from his seat and grabs Ross to take a seat at the table then hands him a waffle.

  I grabbed some waffles and ate at the island since I wanted them to enjoy their meal. I didn't realize I was staring at Ross until Riker cleared his throat and looked at me telling me it was a bad idea.

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