Chapter 55 (T.E)

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Coming down from the mountain, Shureii hummed, satisfied with the particularly good harvest of mushroom and herbs.

Hm...I wonder if I would be able to get Yuki to understand the deliciousness of mushrooms today...

An amused smile spread across her face as she recalled how Yuki had resisted mushrooms with all his might back when he was still smaller than her. It was saddening really. She loved mushrooms and yet he detested it. The slight twitch of his eyebrows whenever he ate mushrooms always gave him away.

Up a short distance ahead, she could see the large oak tree that marked the entrance to the town.

Guess I'll find what seasoning to use...

Preoccupied with deciding what recipe to use, Shureii didn't notice something was unusual until she neared the town-square. The quiet calm she had been enjoying slowly disappeared as the sound of murmurs and whispers gradually grew louder.

Did something happen?

It was the children who spotted her first.

"Ah! It's Shureii!"

Hearing their voices, Shureii turned to see a group of children running towards her, which altogether was not an unusual sight. However the serious—or as serious as children could be—expressions on their faces alerted her that something was in fact wrong.

"Shureii you can't be here! Run!" They whispered-shouted.


Shureii looked down at the children who were tugging and urging her, pulling her back the way she came from.

What is going on? Why do I have to run?

Luckily someone else had noticed her.


Shureii lifted her face to see the kind baker's wife coming towards her.

"Mrs Sophia...what is...?"

"Quickly! Leave before you are seen!" The usually jovial lady said with an uncharacteristic serious tone.

As she allowed herself to be moved by the woman and children around her, Shureii looked back once more. Just then a loud sound came from somewhere near the center of the crowd.

What was that?

Although she felt very uneasy and confused, Shureii knew that now was not the time to ask. However there was something she had to ask.

"Is Yuki—"

"He is fine, dear." Mrs. Sophia said with a brief smile. The familial love between the two was well known to everyone in the village. "Now hurry."
It wasn't until late at night that Shureii heard the consecutive hoots of an owl that signified safety.

When she had been ushered away, she was led to a small cave near the forests. There she saw a group of young women huddled together. Their eyes brightened with recognition as they hurried to welcome her into the cave.

"Thank goodness you made it on time!"

"I was worried you had been caught!"

"Did you get to see them?"

When Shureii informed them that she was not aware of what was going on, they filled her in on what they knew.

Although the exact details were still not known, there were rumors of one of the corrupt nobles having been put back into power just days ago.

The news had brought dissatisfaction and unease to those who had experienced living under his rule, but nothing changed with the exception of a few disgruntled people in nearby towns and villages that were more closely situated to the lord's residence.

However, even that faux-peace didn't last.

It wasn't until the one of the traders from one of the surrounding villages trekked over the mountains for his monthly visit to the town Shureii was staying at. From his expression and non-punctual arrival, the townspeople knew something was wrong but could not get him to talk. That was until he asked to see Mr Bern.

With their relationship notorious for being extremely competitive rivals that somehow were also close friends, Mr Bern instinctively knew that the trader had something important to say. To offer him more privacy, he brought him into his house.

It was only after they had downed their usual three jugs of beer that he inquired as to what was wrong.

Upon being asked, trader let out a bitter laugh.

"Consider yourselves lucky that you have these mountains and forests to hide you from that bastard's eyes."

He took another swing of his beer.

"She is gone. Mariette is gone. Just like all the other girls who couldn't get away in time."

His words were just the start. With suspicions and concern arising, Mr Bern and a few other townspeople who dealt with issues outside the town found disturbing news of similar incidents from other villages.

Up until then they had not informed the townspeople of such news as things were not confirmed yet. They were holding onto the fact that the trader had pointed out—their town was uniquely situated in the center of dense forests with difficult mountain ranges between them and the other groups.

However this proved to be a mistake as just days later some children who were playing near the streams came running, asking why men with black clothes were coming. The townspeople were immediately informed of the danger and the young women were all taken away to a hidden cave far away from the town.

Having heard all this, Shureii sat contemplating the information she had just received.

Young women being he some sort of lecher? But why so many? Why make it so obvious? No...there is something else going on, but what? Who is this lord anyways? Why was he—

A weight on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts. Looking up she saw Yuki looking down at her.

"Mother, you can go back home now. They left."

Hearing his words, Shureii nodded. She knew without him saying it that he needed to stay behind for a bit.

"Oh by the way..." She lifted her basket with her harvest from before. Yuki was quick to notice why. He blinked.


Chuckling she patted him on his arm before leaving.

Well that should keep him occupied...

She had noticed the tired and worried-now-relieved expression in his eyes and had wanted to distract him from his worries.
By the time she reached home, the sun was barely holding on to its last lights for the day.

Guess today's meal will be a late dinner...not exactly healthy but—

Something grabbed hold of her, easily pulling her out the doorway she had just crossed over. She opened her mouth the scream, only to have it muffled by a gloved hand.

Merry-Late-Christmas Peoples....another gift of a cliffy....hah....hah...*collapses from fatigue*....

Uwah...I am a Rarity?! (Reincarnation) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now