Chapter 18

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"Ah...mmm..." Shureii closed her eyes in bliss as she savored the long forgotten flavor of chocolate chip cookies. Opening them again, she gazed at the beautiful meadow before her. Hmm...Louis really did outdo himself on this one. It looks almost like the exact replica of my cottage, albeit a much larger one...

Seeing as she was practically banned from doing anything related to medicine during her "recovery," Shureii decided to not put up a fight and spent the first day and a half pretty much just slumbering around. Once she woke up, she was hungry.

Not wanting to disturb anyone, she had snuck into the kitchen and made herself a few sandwiches and some chocolate chip cookies with the chocolate powder she brought in the basket she had come to the palace with and went to the meadow where she knew there would be peace and quiet.

Finishing off the cookie, she leaned against the tree, cloud-gazing.

Ah...I can see why Shikamaru (from Naruto) loved doing this...It really is relaxing...even more so in an anime-like world...

After a few more moments of peaceful gazing, Shureii's thoughts wandered into the more serious zone. Having fully rested, she was now able to think more clearly. Thinking back on the King's behavior and the rushed manner she had been escorted to the residence, Shureii knew that there was more to what just happened than what she knew.

As empty-headed he may seem, the King is no fool. He would not go this far for some petty reason as me being tired. The question is what? For what reason would he be doing this? Why would he have to send me away so urgently? I know that it is definitely linked to the ambassador but how? Hmmm....hmmm.....hmmm.....................hmmm.................

Flopping to the ground, Shureii lay in an eagle-spread as she bluntly stated her conclusion.

I can't think of anything.

Rolling over to her side, she fiddled with one of the flowers.

Usually in reincarnation fics, the only reason as to why the protagonist would be kept away would be to hide her from something or to protect her. However, I can't think of any reason as to why this would be the case for me. I know that the King had kept his promise and I am known to only the healers and specific maids and servants in the palace. Not to mention, Lord Raphael had even told me that there had been an appearance altering concoction that changed my hair and eye color in the perfume Florence, Lily, and Jane sprayed on me right before the ball. (This is the magic that Raphael mentioned to Vincent during the meeting) So the only ones who have seen my true appearance would be Louis, the Prince, the King, Lord Eduardo and his soldiers (who are all trustworthy), and the three maids...That rules out the idea of the ambassador wanting to meet me out of interest for my appearance...hmmm...........whatever it is, I'm still angry at that stupid brat of a King!! I've never been so humiliated in my life!!

At that moment Vincent felt his nose tingle with the urge to sneeze.

"Your Majesty?"

"It is nothing, Raphael."

Last night went off without a hitch...though if Lady Shureii had her way...Vincent chuckled to himself imagining her ire.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave."

"A-Ah! Raphael! Don't leave!" Vincent cried out, snapping out of his thoughts right before the door closed behind the head healer.

Outside the door, Raphael shook his head.

I still don't know how exactly we became friends...
After a few more moments of fuming relentlessly, Shureii calmed herself down.

Well...that was rather immature of me...I'm sure he did it out of good, but still...oh well...what's done is done...I better forget about it...More importantly...

Hearing the distant cries of the servants, Shureii realized that more time had passed than she had calculated.

Oops...better head back...

The next three days consisted of her trying to get more information to help her understand the reason why she was being kept away from the palace, but that only resulted in reports that told of the grandness of the welcoming ceremony and how handsome the ambassador was.

Letting out a sigh, Shureii sank down the tree in the meadow.

Another failure huh...

She had constantly been coming back to the meadow, finding a soothing aspect to it like Louis had intended it to. She still hadn't found the information she had wanted, but...

I guess I'll have to thank the King. I never expected the ambassador to be the prince...More royalty equals more chaos. So in avoiding him, I think I am a bit closer to the peaceful life I wish for....

A sudden thought crossed her mind.

This break isn't actually too bad. I had originally been concerned about Louis' crush, but with him away for the next few months, I won't have to worry about that. Maybe I should ask for an extension for this rest? Say that I'm still not feeling good? The only problem is that I cannot practice medicine, but maybe with a little coaxing and some help from Lord Raphael, I could continue making medicine? Then after the year is over, I can go back!

Getting up excitedly at her eureka moment, Shureii was about to head back to the mansion when she felt a painful dizzying moment.


Biting her lip and closing her eyes while clutching her head, she waited for the pain to subside. Opening her eyes again, she looked at the ring on her fourth finger, the only remnant she had of her other world.

More fragments huh...

Ever since she had arrived at the palace, she had had frequent dizzying spells, each accompanied by flashbacks that she believed to be from her missing memories. After each time, the need to be away from influential ikemen, such as Louis, grew larger.


Her eyes lost their original happy glow as she registered the uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

Nothing good will come from getting attached to Louis and the others...The faster I get away from the palace, the better...

Deep in her serious thoughts, Shureii didn't notice the large shadow that came from above her or the sudden shift in the wind. In fact, she would have just continued to dwell in her thoughts had it not been for the fact that she felt something wrap around her waist.


Her eyes widened when she found herself rising off the ground, the meadow quickly getting smaller.


She looked down at her waist and saw...claws? Turning her head to look at whatever was holding her, Shureii's mouth dropped open in surprise.


Why was a dragon holding her? Where was it taking her?! Feeling a powerful surge of air as the dragon flapped its wings, Shureii had to close her eyes. When she opened them again, she could barely see the towers of the Aguillard residence.

J-Jotto!!!! Ano Kamisama of all anime...are you angry because I haven't been mentioning you lately? I know I wanted to get away from the palace, but seriously? A dragon? That is so random!!!! Besides, aren't dragons carnivores? I know that some aren't but...

Casting a look over the sharp talons and the large teeth, Shureii couldn't help but feel concerned.

This one definitely is a carnivore!! Kamisama! What is going on?! Reincarnations fics don't really have this stuff!! Uwah!!!!

*I know I know....the dragon came out of nowhere, but don't worry it has a purpose! *^^*

Uwah...I am a Rarity?! (Reincarnation) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now