Chapter 10

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°Y/n's P.O.V°

I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. "Y/n." I looked over and saw Soda. "Yeah what." "You're ok." "Yeah why wouldn't I be Soda." "Y/n you were shot in the shoulder and leg." I sat there and looked at him then everything hit me.

"Ow ow ow." I said grabbing my shoulder. "I'll be right back Y/n I gotta tell the guys and the doctor." He ran out the door. "She's awake Y/n is awake!" I smiled slightly and looked around. "How long was I out." "You were out for 3 weeks Miss. L/n." Someone answered me.

I looked at the door and it was the doctor. "Really?" "Yeah you lost alot of blood and you're also become  anemic from the lost of blood." "Will I be ok." "Yes of course, you're just gonna have to take pills for it."

"Thank you and may I leave now." "Yes you may." "Thank you but do I have any clothes." "Yes you do they are over on the table, just yell for me when you're done so I can give you your crunches." "Thank you." "No problem." I grabbed my clothes, putting them on carefully. I almost fell over a few times. I finally put the clothes and shoes on, and I put Dallas's ring back on.

 I finally put the clothes and shoes on, and I put Dallas's ring back on

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At least someone knows how to pick out an outfit. I sat down on the bed and yelled, "I'm done!" The doctor soon came back in with the gang. He handed me my things and I got on the crunches. "Ok Y/n now take it easy. You'll be in crunches for about 4 or 5 months." "Ok goodbye." "Bye."

"It's nice to have you back." Two said as he lightly hugged me. Then Steve and Soda hugged me. "Where's Darry and Pony." "School and work." "Oh ok. How's Johnny?" I asked while walking down the aisle.

"He's doing fine, the doctor said he'll be in coma for about 3 months." "That's good what about court?" "We're having that once Johnny wakes up and is able of talk to the judge bout it." "Oh ok." We walked out of the  hospital.

"How's Dal?" "Oh about that." Soda said rubbing the back of his neck. "Steve?" "I gotta run see you guys later." "Two." "I have a date with my girl in 10 minutes later." They both ran off leaving me with Soda.

"Soda what happened." "Nothing." He said looking away. "Soda." "Mmm." "Soda!" "Fine when Dallas got out of the slammer 2 weeks ago, he was hoping to see you at the house but we told him you were in the hospital." "Annnnd." "He got drunk and hooked up with Cherry."

My heart dropped and my face turned red with anger, I laughed. "He what!" "He hooked up with Cherry and they are seeing each other." "Where is he." I said clenching my teeth together.

"Probably at the school waiting for her to get out." "We're going." "Y/n please." "Don't Y/n please me Soda!" I yelled at him causing him to flinch. "Sorry Soda." I said walking away with him walking behind me.

°time skip°

We were just a few steps away from the school when the bell rang. "Y/n don't do this." "Too late Soda." I was walking as fast as I could with the crunches. I spotted Dallas but I stopped when I saw Pony walk up to him. I tried to clam myself down a bit and walked up to them.

"Y/n!" Pony said as he walked up to me. He hugged me very lightly, "I missed you." "I missed you too." He let go, "Y/n what's wrong?" "What do you think is wrong." I stated. "Oh yeah well I'm gonna go stand over there by Soda. I'm sorry."

"It's ok Pony it's not your fault." He nodded and walked off. "Hey Doll how you been." I looked at Dallas. "Are you fucking serious Dallas!" "What." Cherry soon walked up to him and leaked their arms together.

"Hey Y/n, what are you doing here?" "Shut up." She flinched and stood behind Dallas. "You know what I mean Dallas you decided to fucking cheat on me! While I was in the hospital for what..3 weeks!" "I didn't cheat on you." "Really." I looked at Cherry. "Cherry when did he ask you to be his girl." "2 weeks ago." "And did you know we were still together."

"No he said you guys broke up." "We didn't break up hun, he cheated on me with you, so I advice you to run while you still have the chance." "I'm so sorry Y/n." "Run." She ran away.

"Why the fuck did you do that." "You cheated on me with her! Are you out of your fucking mind Winston, I've done nothing to you, I've saved your fucking ass I took two bullets for you, I ended up with a fucked up shoulder, a broken leg, and now I'm anemic! And this how you repay me!"

I yelled on the top of my lungs earning some stares. "I thought you were dead!" "Whomever told you that lied to you cause I'm standing right in front of you. And I'm pretty sure the boys told you I wasn't!"

"I trusted you Dallas! You even promised you won't fuck shit up!" He just smirked, "Did you really think I meant it!"  I was filled with anger, I lifted my crunch and hit him in the head with it. He grabbed his head and looked at me.

He was pissed and hit me. I stood there shocked. He hit me. "Ok that's enough Dallas!" Soda yelled as he pushed Dallas away. I dropped my crunches and kicked Dallas where the sun doesn't shine and kneed him in the face.

"Don't ever fucking talk to me again Winston do you understand! I hope you're happy!" Soda picked me up before I hit Dallas again.

He got back up and hit me again, this time Soda dropped me and hit Dallas. Pony walked over and helped me up.

He handed me my crunches. Soda and Dallas were going at it and someone stopped them, it was Darry. "Stop it you two!" He pulled them apart and looked at me.

"Y/n your face what happened." I pointed towards Dallas. He looked at Dallas, "Don't ever speak to this girl again do you hear me."

Dallas shrugged. I took off his ring and threw it at him. "Fuck off Dallas." I turned around and walked away. Darry and Soda stood there glaring at the boy who put his hands on someone they consider a sister.

"Y/n are you ok?" "Yes Pony now let's go home and enjoy ourselves I'm pretty sure you have a lot to tell me." "I do actually." I smiled, "I knew I shouldn't have gotten with Dally." "Don't cry Y/n it'll be ok you'll find someone else." "I know I know."

"Good. Now the other day....." I smiled while listening to his story about Soda falling down the stairs. Here's to a new start hopefully.

°Dallas's P.O.V°

"What have I done." "I don't know why don't you tell us." Soda said. "I don't know Soda." "Yes you do but don't expect to have her again Dallas what you did was uncalled for." Darry said.

"You promised not to do that shit to her, you better figure this out." Soda said and walked away with Darry.

I stood up and looked at my ring. "Fuck!!!" "What is it Dally." I turned around and saw Cherry. "This is all your fault, you got me drunk and convinced me Y/n was dead. You know what!" "What?" She said crossing her arms. "Fuck you whore you fucked everything up!" I walked away from her how am I gonna explain this to Y/n now.

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