One direcshon daddy's and baby y/n

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Y/n: 24 in age play newborn

Liam: daddy

Louis: dada

Niall: papa

Harry: baba

Zayn: pops


Y/n's pov:

I was waiting for my daddy's the one direction boys to pick me up from my day Centre program when I know Thay wood pick me up then I would be Abel to go to sleep in the car then when I would wake up that would be when I am in headspace of a newborn I had live whit my brother Liam and his mates Arthur me and my brother and sisters lost are mum and my sisters lived whit their lovers in two different houses in Wolverhampton.


Liam pov:

I was in the car on my way to pick up y/n from her day cemter program for people whit autism and learning disabilities and disabilities when I got there she ran over to me I hugged her and say hay princess how was your day it was fine I guess ok let's get you in the car did you have a accident she say yes oh sweetheart lets get those wet cloths off and change you in to a nappy and then you can have your blanket and dummy and have a nap in the car I say as soon as I finish changing y/n she was starting to fall asleep so I say hold on let me put you in to your carseet and get you dummy and blanket out so I did as soon as I got in to the diver side of the car and started driving to pick up her other daddy's I look in the mirror and saw her asleep.


Louis pov:

I see Liam turning in to car park of the recording studio and he putted his finger on his lips which indicated me at are baby y/n was asleep so I told the others to be quiet when they all got in thay let out a small coo at are sleeping baby girl we got home I carried y/n's bags and Harry carried y/n's wet cloths to wash and Niall carried y/n's nappy bag.


Harry pov:

We get home and I went to put y/n's wet clothing in the washing masheen whist Liam went to put y/n in her cot and niall when to his bedroom to have a nap and Louis and Zayn went to get the xbox set up to play mind craft and Liam was go to stay upstairs to work on his computer when I finish I went to play whit the boys on the xbox.


Niall pov:

I went whit Liam to y/n's bedroom to help him I pulled the cothers back on y/n's cot and I putted the baby monter on I told Liam I was go to take a nap before tea.


zayn pov:

I had finish playing on the Xbox Harry and Louis ware playing on it now I had to go in to the kitchen to get tea reddy and do y/n's tea too I soon hear her crying ok I go and get her I walk into y/n's nursery and change her nappy then I took her Down it the kitchen and placed her in her high chair when the tea was ready I call to the others at tea was on the table we all ate and then Niall and Louis wash up whit I had to help Liam bath y/n then Harry wood give heat up y/n a bottle to get her to sleep soon as she was bath and gave her bottle it was my turn to put her to bed all of her daddy's say night night to y/n.

A/n hay so I do some age play whit the boys and some whit reader in so I go to do a Lou Christmas one on Friday or over the weekend so yep
Word count 664 words

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