Todller natalie kid loius perents larry

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Natalie age 26 age play of 2 she is Liam Payne little sister
Louis Tomlinson age 28 age play of 5
Liam Payne age 27 daddy/dad he is the big brother to natalie
Harry Styles age 26 dada/daddy
Liam p.o.v
It was a normal Sunday harry was cooking a Sunday roast dinner today it is pork and I am helping him with it whist my babies natalie my little sister and Louis wear playing together.
Harry p.o.v
My little babies are playing whist me and my husband wear cooking roast pork and arther are lunch we was going to put both of my babies for a little nap because are darling little baby girl was awake early this morning due to are son Louis he needed a wee wee on the loo and he also had a poo poo exploding incident in the loo so I went to my little baby girl bedroom as she had nappies/dippers because she had autism so when I went into her bedroom she say dada why are you in my bedroom then when she smells it then she kown at it was her big brother Louis at he was not feeling well he was a little bit sick.
Louis p.o.v
I was awake my clock read 4:20am I got up to go to the loo and then whist I was having my wee wee I hear movement and then a knocking on the loo door and it was my daddy he say who in the loo I call out it me daddy I on the loo at the moment I had a poopy exploding incident oh ok love I get dad to come to help you.
Harry p.o.v
I go and told Liam my husband about are son.
Natalie p.o.v
Arther my daddy came and woke me up and then I decided to get up lucky I was go to have a nap later on at nap time and my brother Louis my daddy and dada wear doing lunch we was going to have roast pork whit apple sauce then arther lunch I can have a nap time soon.
Word count 363 words

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