Easter egg hunt with all the one direction boys mummy y/n

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Louis 26 years old headspace 7

Zayn 25 years old headspace 6

Liam 24 years old headspace 5

Niall 24 years old headspace 4

Harry 24 years old headspace 3

Y/n 24 years old and she is the one direction boys mummy


Y/n pov:

Today was Easter so I got up and I went to get my babies up and ready for the Easter egg hunt I going to harry room 1st as he is was headspace of a 3 year old when I got there I was surprised to see him awake and I then said good morning my baby boy did mummy little darling have a nice sleep humm let's get your nappy changed and then we can go and wake up your other brothers so I quickly changed harry nappy and then we went to wake up niall then harry and Niall went to wake up Liam then zayn and last by no means least Louis when my babies were all awake I then told them that we were going to have a Easter egg hunt and they were happy with it so I told them at thay would be in partners so Louis was with zayn and Liam was with Niall and harry was whit me as he was in the headspace of 3 and Paul had come over to hid the Easter egg whist I took my babies to my church for Easter sarvice when that was done we went home and then went to find the Easter eggs.


Liam pov:

Mummy told me at she had done an Easter egg hunt for us and we went to church with her and then we came home and then I went whit my partner Niall and we heard harry crying as are mummy went inside to go to the toilet so me and Niall went over to harry and I then told him if he would like to partner with me and Niall we had found some Easter eggs and some for harry Louis and zayn had come over and then when they ask why harry had not got his partner he then burst into tears.


Louis pov:

I ran inside and then called out for are mummy when she heard me I then told her about harry she was sad at she made him cry she ran outside to him oh harry my little baby boy mummy is so so so sorry at she left you I am so sorry baby can you forgive mummy and me Niall and zayn and Liam decided if we found more Easter eggs we would give them to harry


Harry pov:
Mummy was very apologetic for levelling me she told me that she had needed to change herself form her pants and trousers she then told me if I want her milk and nap whit her holding me I just nodded at her so she feed some of her milk as she was breathing feeding me and I then was asleep so she put me in my playpen for my nap.


Zayn pov:

I went inside to go to the toilet and on my way there I saw mummy and I slipped out of my headspace and I then said why she left harry and she told me that she had got her time of the month and she had told me that was why she was so long in getting back to harry then I said it ok mummy we understand that she hugged me and and she said would niall me and Louis help her cook harry tea and I said yes so she told me to ask the other boys if they would like to help so I asked niall and Louis and they said yes and Liam said at he would play with harry whist we cooked.


Niall pov:

We helped our mum cook Harrys dinner as she felt sorry for leaving Harry when it was done I went to tell Liam and mummy came in to get Harry after we had tea and we were barthed mummy then head that would we like to choose a movie to watch so I found A movie it was an Easter movie because Harry like this is the movie we had it was hop he liked it because of all the different animals in it halfway through the movie Harry feel asleep so mummy decided that we could have a sleep over downstairs so she told me Louis Liam and zayn could get blanks And pillows so I said yes so we all went to get him and then when mummy attention that we told mummy that we would give some of our eggs to Harry to make him feel better mummy felt that with a very good idea for us because we loved our younger brother.


No ones pov:

Harry was glad to have brothers and mummy that understood even though she did forget that Harry was supposed to be partnered whit him and he knew that he loves his mummy.



Hey so it's me Star Wars fan20 hear so I thought I wish everybody a happy Easter and I thought I do it because today is Easter

Happy Easter

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