What the hell happend to my 1D ageplay

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Hay so it me Star Wars fan 20 here so so what the hell my 1D age play has now got 6k reads thank you so so much guys because I have had a lot of things going on in my time since I last year in March of 2018 I lost my dad his dad who was my other granddad he died and my mum died two years ago she died in February 3rd 2016 this year would be the 3rd year since I lost her she was 42 years old when I lost her I was 22 years old and 8 years ago I lost my real dad he was the same age as my mum 42 years ago and I was only sweet 16th year old if he was also hear he would have 50 years old but whit that I thank you so so much guys

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