Holliday young natalie big brother liam whit perants

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Natalie Payne age 25
Liam Payne age 25
Lily ann Jenny Payne age 30
Bobby Tom Payne age 30
Natalie p.o.v.
Today me and my brother Liam and are parents were going away on holiday we had a people Carrier car so we would have a lot of room to store are suitcases for the holiday so my mummy came in to me and my brother bedroom she said good morning my beautiful little babies let mummy get some nappy's on you bottoms because we it will be 2hr 19min to Great Yarmouth then we will be heading to caster on sea for check in at 13:00pm it was 6:30am and we was going at 7am because it was to bet the traffic jams and hold up and are daddy was making are special drinks for me and Liam because we both sometimes get car sick so I took mine then Liam then are mummy put my charging bag which included my brother Liam nappy's along whit mine in the front of the car whit her so we was loaded into the car and then we set off.
Liam p.o.v.
We had just Setting off when We was near new market I went to the loo in my nappy it was both ends I told my sister who tapped my mummy shoulder and she signed to are mummy at I went to the toilet in my nappy and she say hunny can you please pall over in to a lay-by I need to change li nappy he then said ok so thay pall over in the lay-by and mummy got me out and changed me but before she put a new nappy on me she said baby do you need to use the potty I nodded my head and she got out a folding potty she put a plastic bag in so I can do my wee wee and poo poo so when she put me on it she use her cardigan to use as a private curtain so I can do my stuff I said I was finished she was impressed at I did both as well in the potty she quickly got me a new nappy on and then she did the same thing to my sister Natalie then she put my sister in the car and we then set off again.
Lily p.o.v.
We got to the sea side and we went Great Yarmouth then later on we then went to where we stayed on holiday caster on sea we are enjoying are holiday.
Bobby p.o.v.
Are kids were happy and excited and enjoyed the holiday so much and fun we definitely love the holiday because it was building the memories of are kids and enjoy it because they loved the kids so then we were go home Friday 19th July
A/n hay so I have now reach 10k reeds on my one direction age play so this one is because I am going away on my holiday this coming Friday until Friday 19th

Word count 516 words

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