Baby Louis and baby y/n perants larry

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Louis age 26 headspace of a 1 year old baby

Y/n age 24 headspace 1 year old baby

Harry dada

Liam daddy


Y/n pov:

I woke up and I discovered at I had wet my bed and I started to cry and Liam had heard me and he came into my bedroom and then he said that everybody has accidents sometimes he then said that he would give me a bath and then put me in a nappy and then we bumped into harry who was holding Louis and he then told us that Lou had the same problem as me so we were both barthed and then we had nappy's putted on and then we went to headspace.


Liam pov:

I heard crying and then went to see who was crying and it was y/n she had wetted her bed I took her to the bathroom and on the way we saw harry with lou and he then told me that lou had wetted his bed so we both gave are babies a bath and then we putted them into nappy's and thay were in headspace and harry went to change the wet bedsheets whist I was playing with my babies.


Louis pov:

I did not believe it I had wetted my bed again this was the second time I did it the 1st time was when I had a bad nightmare and it was the same one again at made me wet my bed harry had just come in and then he saw at I had an accident and he then took me to have a bath and we bumped into Liam and y/n as she had the same problem as me we had are baths and then we had are nappy's on which got us into headspace.


Harry pov:

Me and Liam sorted out are babies and then I went to change their bedsheets and then we went shopping and then went home and played and then had lunch and then we putted are babies down for a nap and then we had tea and then bath them and then I feed y/n whist Liam was feeding Louis and then we putted are babies to bed.


A/n hay so sorry it short but I been busy so so sorry again I love you all so much and I am taking requests so I can do personal or just y/n and pick a boy and then other boys to be perants or babies or toddlers or kids or teens and then they age of headspace and remember like comment on my inbox on Wattpad or on the book and favourite it

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