Baby y/n and todler liam perants the 1D boys

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Y/n age 24 headspace of a new born baby.
Liam age 24 headspace of a 2 year old baby
Niall daddy
Louis dada
Harry pops
Zayn papa
Y/n's pov:
I have been stressed out lately going on the tours go to help out whit there photoshoots helping them before they went out on tv interviews meeting with management Lottie saw it whit me and she saw the same thing whit Liam we were tired and easily got upset about everything so she ask me what was right I told her I was ok but she had seen the sadness in me and Liam, she would ask her brother about me and Liam being so so stressed out.
Liam pov:
I was really stressed out the same thing whit y/n I had accidentally wetted myself I quickly ran towards the toilet and then I locked it and I sat on the closed the seat and cried I Hurd someone it was Louis sister Lottie she ask me to open the toilet door and when she did she say oh Liam it ok everyone has little accidents it ok love I brought you some clean clothes I text my brother to come to see you when he was there he changed me and putted a nappy on me I love you dada I said sleepy oh baby boy are you tired humm I nodded my head oh ok let's get you in the van to go home humm Niall daddy took me back to the van whist dada was talking to Lottie about y/n.
Louis pov:
My sister told me about y/n so I told her I would talk to her about be in age play as Liam was a 2 year old in his headspace so I told y/n and she like the sound of age play so I told her we were going home as Liam was getting tired so I took her to the toilet and then changed her to be in headspace.
harry pov:
Louis told us that Liam was getting tired and we was going home and he also told us that Y/n was going to be in age play as well with Liam because both of my babies were so so stressed out.
Zayn pov:
We got home and we putted are babies to bed as they were both sound asleep so I went downstairs to join with others and we was sorting out about are babies so niall and me were go to the mall to get things for are babies and Louis was going to the diy store to get stuff to make the house baby Proof and harry was staying whit are babies.
harry pov:
I went upstairs to get both of my babies and I brought them downstairs to play Niall and the other were back from shopping so I was going to help Louis and zayn out whist Niall was go to play with them.
Niall pov: I play with my babies and then we had dinner and me and zayn Batting Liam and harry and Louis were batting y/n and I was feeding
Y/n whist harry was feeding Liam we then went upstairs to put them into the cot's because they were both fast asleep.
No one pov:
Y/n love being a new born baby girl and she was happy to have a big brother who was Liam both of them had felt less stressed out.
An hay so I am going to do a harry age play as it will be his birthday he goes to be 24 years old I cannot wait for it
Word count is 621 words.

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