Happy birthday baby zayn

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Zayn headspace of 1 year old
Liam daddy
Harry papa
Louis dad
Niall dada
Liam pov:
Today was my baby birthday and we had a surprise birthday party for him I hear crying and then I got out of bed and then went to see my baby boy he was wet so I quickly changed his nappy and then I went to sit down in the rocking chair and I then fed him his bottle of milk and he then told me that it was his birthday today and I then said yes it is so Arthur he had finished his bottle of milk I then took him to see his other daddy's I gave him to papa whist I got ready for his birthday party.
Harry pov:
I am glad at it was my little baby boy birthday and I told him that he would open his presents when daddy was back downstairs in the sitting room and then he was down and then he came into the sitting room and then I told are baby he can have his birthday presents now.
Zayn pov:
I love my new toys and I then I went to the bathroom in my nappy and I crawled over to dada and he then said hello love what is the matter and I then blush when he saw me blush he then took me upstairs to change my nappy as I was getting changed he saw at I was getting tired so he then putting me down for a nap  for long I was well away in the land of dreams.
Niall pov:
When I went upstairs to change zayn nappy I saw at he was getting tired so I went over to his cot and I then put him in his cot for his nap I had left him in his nursery and then went downstairs to get his surprise birthday party ready for him when he wake up.
Louis pov:
I went upstairs to get my baby boy and then I went to get him ready for his birthday party he was so happy at we did it for him and he then said that he was so happy and he was so cute and we had done this for him.
No one pov
Zayn had a great time with his daddy's and he was so happy for his birthday and birthday party.
An hay so today is Zayn Malik birthday omg he is 25 years old and in February it harry birthday and I go to do two different things with him one whit him and Louis and then one whit him and the boys so yeah word count 451 words.

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