Personal one for young child Natalie daddy's 1D boys

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Natalie age play 25
Liam Daddy
Harry Dada
Niall da
Louis Papa
Zayn pops
Natalie pov:
Today was my birthday I was happy my daddy Liam came into my bedroom and he then said happy birthday my baby girl how about we change your nappy then I take you downstairs to the living room soon I was down in the living room and my other daddy's say happy birthday darling I opened my birthday presents and I then thank my daddy's for my birthday presents and cards my da took me up and got me dressed ready for my special day.
Liam pov:
I can't not believe that today was my little baby girl aka my little sister Natalie as she was born 11/08/1993 I can't believe at she is 25 I got her nappy changed as she was autistic so sometimes she has accidents and she then has a meltdown so I putted her in nappies so she would not have accidents so I then took her downstairs to the living room where her other daddy's were she opened her birthday presents and cards and then Niall went with her to get her ready in her birthday dress.
Niall pov:
I got Natalie dressed for her birthday party i Hurd Liam say at he was going to take her and her pops shopping so we me Louis and harry could get her birthday party ready.
Zayn pov:
we went shopping and I saw Natalie look a little bit red in her cheeks so I then whispered to her if she had used her nappy she then nodded so I tapped Liam shoulder and then wisperd at I was going to take Natalie to the bathroom and I would meet him back at the car as he said he there was not a lot of shopping left to get so I took her to the baby change room when I had finished change her I then went back to the car and then gave her feeding as she was getting a little bit tired so Arthur she had finished I burped her and she was nestled close to my chest and then the next thing I saw at she was a sleep so I cearfaly put her in her car seat just as Liam got back he then said that we should get home.
Harry pov:
Natalie woke up and we then celebrate her birthday party and then me and Louis went to do her bath and then put her to bed.
Louis pov:
Arthur we celebrate Natalie birthday party me and harry were go to bath her and we then would put her to bed Arthur she was Barth we got her ready for bed she was so asleep and adorable In her Star Wars onesie and Star Wars theam bedroom me and harry left her and then went downstairs to join the other boys.
A/n hay so it me Star Wars fan 20 here I got my iPad fix so I am now use it to do Wattpad story's and my old account is ok so I have tow accounts so on Saturday it was my birthday so happy birthday to me I am now 25 year old and I had a lot of presents I had two concat tickets to see the philomonica orcistroa play that was for my sister and I got a new tv for my birthday from my granperants a coshon form my anty and uncle and smelly form my boyfriend he got me some bath and shower gel and bath bomb and I had one form my teacher asistent at college and form my stepdad some more smelly and toffee and fudge and from my other Nan cath kidston bag and makeup bag and from my mummy if she was hear a garden-angel and a mother and darter willow tree figures the mother and darther is coming  so yeah that's what I got for my birthday as always like comment or inbox me for one direction age play some are pursnol and others will have y/n in
Word count 693 words

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