Omg what the hell happend

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Hay so it me Star Wars fan 20 here so what the hell happened I have now reached to 10k readers on my book I will do a personal and a y/n age play whit the boys I wanted to thank you all for reading commenting and adding to you reading list especially because I had had a lot of sadness in my life my dad had died when I was 16th year old my mum died when I was 22 years old my real dad his dad who was my other granddad he died when I was 24 years old my and my uncle had passed away so I have to go to his funeral on Tuesday I am 25 years old soon to be 26 years old and i will be going away on holiday on Friday the 12th July and I won't be back until 19th July but I cannot not believe on how many reads I got on here I thank you all again for me love Star Wars fan 20 may the force be with you always

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