Kid Louis happy Christmas and happy birthday daddy's 1D boys

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Louis: age play of 4 years old go on 5

Lottie: age play 13

Harry: daddy

Liam: dad

Niall: dada


Lottie pov:

I existed for today was my little baby brother birthday and it was Christmas eve my baby brother was turning 5 we went to the cinema to see some movie whit Liam dad whilst Niall dada and Harry daddy got Louis birthday party set up Liam was taking Louis to see my little pony the movie and I was going to see Star Wars the last Jedi.


Harry pov:

I did not believe it today was Christmas Eve and my sons birthday I love Louis whit all my hart me and Niall wood get Louis bithday set up whist Liam took Lou and Lottie to the cinema Lottie was go to see Star Wars the last Jedi and Liam was take Lou to see my litte pony the movie i wood text Liam when we had finish setting up for the bithday party he was taking the kids out for macdolalds for lunch as well.


Liam pov:

When we got to the cinema we went to vue to see the movies we went in there I gave Lottie her tickit to see Star Wars the last Jedi I told her to wate for me out in the lobby when her movie had finish as I told her I was go to take Louis to the Barthroon to go the loo she say ok dad.


Niall pov:

When we had finish I told Harry to text Liam to say it was ok to bring him home now.


Louis pov:

I was existed at my family did this party for me as my bithday falls on Christmas Eve it was about 19:00 pm and I was getting tired so daddy put me to bed he putted a nappy on me coz I was so tired he and my famliy kiss me when I say night night to them then dad putted Lottie to bed as tomorrow wood be Christmas Day daddy putted me in to bed and he kiss me and say night night my litte baby boy who is now 5 daddy love you so much I love you too daddy and dad and dada and lot lot which was Lottie I nickname her lot lot as she was Lottie lots of the time.


A/N hay so I did this today sorry it late as my phone was not letting me edit on my age play and my I pad bit it ok now I did this evening coz is morning I was busy backing and this afternoon I went to see my real dad's dad who is my grandad he ill in hospital at moment and he has not seen me sins February and today is the 24th December which is Louis Tomlinson aka Tomo birthday he is 26 years old today so happy birthday Lou Louis Tomlinson.
Word count 496 words

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