Baby y/n perants lilo

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Y/n: age 24 headspace of 1 year old

Louis: daddy

Liam: dada


Y/n pov:

Today was a normal day I was at home with my daddy's when I heard my daddy talk to my dada  he was saying that they were going to go out for a meal tonight so unfortunately the babysitter that they had arranged could not look after me so my daddy fought why don't we take her because she is family so  my dada said okay.


Louis pov:

I woke up and got my daughter ready for today it was a normal day there was nothing on all except for me and Liam going out for meal tonight it was our two year wedding anniversary since we got married so I rang y/n is babysitter Lilly

Lily words in normal

Louis words in bold


Lily: hello who calling.

Louis: hay lily is lou I was wondering if you would like to babysit y/n tonight as it mine and Liam as it is are two year wedding anniversary and I am going to take Liam to the restaurant where we first went on are date

lily: oh so sorry Louis I had accidentally got book to babysit my friend lizzy baby Jack as she has to work this evening and her husband jimmy is going to come home at 22:00pm so I can't do it I afraid I am truly sorry I hope you understand that.

Louis: yes I understand that ok I think she can come with us as she is family Arthur all and I tell her and Liam about it ok.

Lily: ok and I so so sorry again Louis.

Louis: that's ok we see you some other time ok.

Lily: ok bye Louis.

Louis: ok lily bye.

I then went to find my husband and my baby girl and tell them what lily told me.


Liam pov:

Louis came in and informed me that y/n babysit lily was looking Arthur someone else baby I did not mind that she's was looking Arthur her friend baby it mean at are baby girl was coming whit as as she was family so we went to the restaurant Louis had put a blindfolded me he was driving me to the restaurant when we got there he said remove your blindfold when I did I was surprised at he brought me to the restaurant for are fist date we went in and he told the waitress that there was a table booked for three people and she then showed us to are seats Louis ask the waitress if they had a baby menu and she said they did so she got it and we ordered what we would like to eat and then she went to the restaurant  kitchen to tell the chefs what we wanted for dinner and then it came we ate and then I asked the restaurant waitress if they had baby changeing facilities and she said there was she showed me and I then said thank you I then changed my baby girl y/n's nappy and feed her a bottle of milk and then I burped her she then let out a little small yawn and I then went to get her daddy and we went home as she was getting tired so we got back in the car and drove home Louis had cola and I had  water I ask him if he would pall into a lay-by as I needed a wee he did so I got out and I went for my wee and he also join me as well coz are baby girl was asleep then when we finished we went back home and when we got there I putted my baby girl in her cot and put her baby monitor on and then left her bedroom to go to my and my husband bedroom he was asleep so I kiss him and whisper I love you my husband and I Hurd a slightly mumble of I love you too.


An hay so it me so I am now on Easter holidays now as next Friday was when I was supposed to brake up but I broke up yesterday and Tuesday I got to go to a funeral it my real dad his dad who was my other granddad he died so yeah I might I might not upload it depends on what I felling so yeah

Word count 750 words

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