Todler y/n perants lilo uncles the three orther boys

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Y/n:headspace 2 years old
Dada: Louis
Today was a normal day in Payne Tomlinson household
Liam and Louis had a Day off so thay decided to take y/n to the seaside for a day and her uncle the 1D boys were going with them to.
Y/n's pov:
Today I was awake and I cried for my dada or daddy to come and change me dada hear me he came into my bedroom and he pick me up and he took me over to the change table and he then changed my nappy when he was done he took me to see my daddy I was put on the bed and I crawled over to him and kissed him and then he say oh Lou I need 5 more mins of sleep and then I giggle and then say daddy it not Lou it me your baby girl y/n he then giggle and me oh hello my beautiful little baby girl did daddy little baby girl sleep well yes daddy I did what are we doing today.
Liam pov:
I got woken up by my darling darter y/n I told her at we was going to take her to seaside and her uncles were going to come to I saw the happy smile on her face she was so cute when she smiled we got her and us ready for a day out to the seaside with me and her dada and her uncles.
Louis pov:
I got up and went to see y/n and change her nappy and I then took her to wake up her daddy he thought it was me but he then know at it was his baby girl I told him I was going to get y/n's nappy bag ready so we could go to seaside for the day We got to the car and then we went to pick up her uncles and then we went to the seaside for a day out.
Harry pov:
I saw are niece and she was having fun with her daddy's and uncles she was with uncle zayn paddle in the sea and her uncle Niall was recoding it when she got back from paddle in the sea she asked me to build a sandcastle we build a very big and beautiful sandcastle we was getting hungry so we all went to the chip shop to get some food and then we went to the arcade to play on some 2p machines and some other arcade games and claw machine we won tickets and some stuffed toys for y/n she said that she need to go to the potty so her uncle Niall took her to the potty.
Niall pov:
I took y/n to go potty and zayn came along to help me out with her as sometimes I get her nappy on the wong way round when we got there I took off her duty nappy and I putted her on the potty and she did her wee wee and poo poo in her potty and then we took her off it and we was proud of her for do wee wee and poo poo in her potty I clean her potty and zayn change her into a new nappy she let out a little yawn and I then say to zayn I think at a little missy is getting tired and she was so I gave her a quick feed of her bottle and then I got her dummy and dummy clip and blanket out for her whist zayn went to tell the other at we had to go home as y/n was getting sleepy.
Zayn pov: I told her uncle and daddy's about y/n getting tired so we went home and on the way home she was asleep so was harry and Niall and Louis so Liam say at we can stay with him as it was getting late I told him at I had enjoyed the day with him and Lou and y/n and the others I soon fell asleep to.
Liam pov:
I saw when we got back to my and Louis house I saw all of y/n's family asleep so I took a quick picture and I then quietly woke my husband as well as the other boys and I putted are beautiful baby girl into her cot kiss her for me and her dada and I say in a whisper goodnight my baby girl dada and daddy and your uncles love you dear you are most beautiful baby girl ever and we all love you I then go out of her bedroom to goto mine and my husband bedroom I then fell asleep.

A/n: hay it me so happy new year wow it 2018 already I hope you all had amazing Christmas and new year and I was happy Christmas to get a new I pad and it faster than The last one so happy Christmas and happy new year I hope you like my 1D age play remember to like comment and MSM me on Wattpad for an age play
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