Day 16: Tiny [Kevin Olusola & Kirstie Maldonado]

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Kevin sometimes calls Kirstie 'tiny'. She is not too tiny so, but if you're in Kevin's and Scott's height, you will totally want to call her tiny.

Kirstie always pouts when he calls her that. She punches his arms and bites his hands while he laughs loud and long. It is kinda like a brother - sister relationship as Kirstie doesn't has any sibling and Kevin's sister is too small for him to joke around with.

There are some reasons lead Kirstie to tell Kevin more secrets than anyone else, and they're simple. As Scott and Mitch always have their eyes on each other and no one else, and Kirstie can't help blushing when she talks to Avi for more than 10 seconds, Kevin is a perfect brother - friend figure to her. He is fun and smart and warm, so why not?

This year, Kirstie spends her Christmas with Kevin. Kevin's house is void since Avi went home for Hanukkah and Christmas and totally going to spend more time home as he already has left the group, Kirstie, and her dogs, decides to stay with Kevin for a while.

As both of them can say, their Christmas is kinda peaceful.

Kevin and Kirstie are both waking up soon, so they spend their time making breakfast, then go to Starbucks to get some coffee for her and tea for him, then they go look around, sign for some fans, and they head back home. Kevin usually plays his cello as she plays with Olaf and Pascal. They recorded a Christmas song yesterday, published it to Kevin's channel and got a lot of praises. They often cook together for their lunch, which always interrupted with Kirstie threw sauce or flour to Kevin's face and he revenges, then the kitchen turns to a disaster and it costs them the entire afternoon to clean it.

Kirstie sleeps at Kevin's room as she refuses to go sleep at Avi's. Because... Because you know why. But they usually don't go to beds. After an afternoon cleaning Kevin's house, they go out for food and fun. Come back home a few hours later, they cuddle on his big couch, eat Mac n Chesse and watch Christmas (and Disney) films. Then they talk about Avi.

Avi is some kinds of their favorite mutual subject. He is Kevin's best friend and Kirstie's secret sweetheart. They chat this and that about Avi and that poor little barbecue lover will never ever know. Kirstie lays her tiny body on Kevin's big one and mumbles about her little big crush as he rubbed her head lightly, softly, carefully as she is the most precious creature on Earth.

Well, she is. She is the precious one even when she is with or without him. But she is a tiny sad precious one when it comes to Avi. Kevin just smiles and pats her back and kiss her hair gently, tells her, "It's gonna be alright, tiny.". She giggles, then sadly says, "No, it isn't. My love will never love be back". He doesn't argue with her, just hugs her to sleep. Little does his tiny one know, Kevin is hiding a secret, a secret between him and Avi.

Kevin still doesn't know how he became a listener and a couple's secret keeper. Kirstie loves Avi, he knows, but he wasn't sure about Avi. Until one day, Avi, drunk his head off, bursted to Kevin's room.

"Wow wow Dragon, you drunk?", Kevin frowned at the winy man just collapsed on his bed, "Don't throw up on my sheet, bro."

"I... I can'tttt handle it noooo more, Kev.", Avi growled with a drawling voice.

Sighed loudly, the beatbox gently pulled his roomie's shoes and socks out, his beanie was nowhere to be seen, "So you sneak out of our girl engagement party to get yourself some alcohol, and maybe too much alcohol, huh?"

"No, Kev", Avi chuckled, sadness lingered in his words, "Your friend, but my love."

Then Avi blacked out, left Kevin stood alone, frozen, eyes widen.

That's how Kevin knew about Avi's love. The bass freaked out when Kevin told him about that drunken night but he soon admitted to him, he loves Kirstie. Kevin rolls his eyes. Dragon and Princess, made for each other but too scared to admit their feelings. But Kevin doesn't rush them though. He just tells them, everything is gonna be alright, which they, how stubborn, always refuse to believe.

Now his tiny girl is sleeping in his arms, snow is falling hard outside but he feels more peaceful than ever. He turns off the TV, slowly leans down to kiss her hair. Soon Kirstie won't be sad anymore, and she will have another embrace to lean on. Kevin won't be there to protect her forever. But he knows, his tiny precious thing will still call him whenever problems come, and he will be there to save the day.

Because, that's what big brother should do for his tiny little sister.


A/N: Okay this one is kinda crap. I wanted to write about a Christmas day of Kevin and Kirstie then it turned out to be this... I planned to post this yesterday but then power was cut so no wifi, no party ;;v;; But I'm posting it now, hope that I didn't make you guys waiting. I'm so so so sorry ❤

Hope you enjoyed my stories, thank you, still love you so much and goodbye~~~

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