Day 29: Frost [Scömichè]

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Scott silent hold his glass in one hand, another one hold a shotgun. His eyes laid on the opposite seat. There was a boy sitting there, both his hands carefully lifted the teacup to his lips and took a sip from it. The boy looked at Scott, gently smiled.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?"

Scott shook his head as poured down the hot liquid to his throat. Somehow, the boy always had most delicious Rum for him. "I was just thinking."

"Oh, really?", the brunette boy chuckled, "Want me to ask what was you thinking about, Scott?"

"Okay, I was just thinking that you have like... three lives left, right Mitch?"

Mitch nodded, "It have been a long time since the first time you assassined me. From a thousand lives to three lives, big step."

"I thought you were crazy at first.", Scott crossed his legs and leant back to the chair, "But I believed you when you lived back alive after I shot fours bullet to your head."

"Being a Frost is weird.", the boy said. He opened a hand. White steam gathered on his palm, shapeup to a sphere. And soon, a ball of ice fell to Mitch's palm, clear and cold. He gave it out to Scott's direction. "On the rock?"

It was not so strange for Scott to see this scene, but it amazed him every time. The assassin took it from the Frost's hand and put it to his neat Rum glass. "Weird, like ice comes from your hand and you have a thousand lives?"

"Yes, that kind of weird.", the brunette poured more tea for himself. "You know what, three years of killing me makes is a great connection."

"A one of a kind connection."

"We kiss."

The blonde smile, "Yes we do."

"We fuck."

"That's a good activity."

Mitch glared at him, "You left me horny in the next life when you stabbed me while we was fucking."

"I just wanna try the way that female assassins use in those spy movies, babe."

Mitch groaned, tilted his head, "Now, when will you gonna kill me?"

Scott looked at the clock, hissed, "Now."

And the brunette boy's eyes widen. His body straight up, and fell hard to the ground. The teacup hit the floor, broke into pieces.


The assassin sighed.

Two lives left.

He knelt down, picked the little body to sit on the armchair. He walked around, shot his sight to outside the window just to see a white, pure but cruelly cold scene. Snow. Cold. Like Mitch? Maybe not. Scott shook his head, cleaned all the debris and sat to his chair again, calmly took a sip of Rum.


The Frost slowly opened his eyes, his hands put on his chest. The blonde smirked, pointed at a new teacup on the small table.


"What was that?"

"Poison. Don't worry, I made new tea for you. Non-poison."

Mitch rolled his eyes, but drank a bit from his small cup, "It was not good for my heart. Two lives left."

"Are you sure you want to... uh... to do this?", Scott quietly asked, his eyes a bit darken down.


"I mean, we are getting really close and..."

"You worry about your money?", the boy raised an eyebrow up, "Don't worry, I've already sent twenty millions to your account, and the rest, five millions will be automatically send to you tonight, when we finish my last life."

"Oh, wow. Impressed. No, but that's not what I mean!"

"So what?"

Scott put his glass down to the table, ran a hand through his hair, "No, I mean, you are just... you are just going to die?"

The Frost nodded certainly.

"I mean, we spent years killing you, and also had some good times and you will just leave me like that?"

The boy also put his cup back next to Scott's glass, "Yes. You are sad? Upset that you won't have me around to kill anymore?", he chuckled, "Oh, Scott. You are such sweet a guy, just take my money and back to normal life."

"No! It's more than that!", Scott almost shouted. "You... I... No Mitch, I won't do that."

"Sorry what?"

"You mean too much to me. I spent years chasing you, I won't let you go. I finally have you close to me, I won't do that. Sorry Mitch, you are too important."

"Scott Hoying. Don't forget I paid for you for what. Life is a torment. Frost can't stay alive.", Mitch growled unhappily. "Just give me the gun. I'll do it myself."


"I will do it myself, Scott."

The assassin blinked, "Hey, why don't you think about that at first?"


"Killing yourself. You can save a fucking lots of money if you do that."

Mitch stared at the blonde, smiled, "Right. Smart, Scott. But now give me the gun. That's an order."

Scott sighed loudly, handed his target the shotgun. "Bye, Mitch."

The brunette nodded again, pointed the barrel to his head.


Scott watched blood leaking out of Mitch's head, then disappeared.


"Well, one last live.", he smirked at the little boy's groan.

"Oh, fuck."

"Wanna do the last time less painful?"

Mitch looked at the assassin was sitting on the floor with him, "How?"

"Well, will you, Mitch Grassi, love me 'till death?", Scott grabbed the Frost's hands, "You want to be normal, now you just have one life like I do, you are normal, to me. You want love, I'm giving it to you. I love you, I have to admit it."

Mitch's brown eyes locked with Scott's serene blue ones. The assassin was admitting his feelings, and the Frost could hear his heart pounding extremely fast is his chest. Mitch took a long breath, and lifted the blonde's hands up and kissed the warm palms, what was opposite with Mitch's cool hands.

"Scott. Yes. Let's kill me slowly, tenderly with our love, can you?"


A/N: This topic is a hard one. I made Mitch the Frost a bit like Loki of Marvel, include his emotions and expressions. This is an AU, of course :))

Hope you like this story, I love you, and goodbyeeee~~~

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