Chapter 4

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June 14th, 2017

-I'll miss you-

(Tate's point of view)

Tears fell down my face. Tomorrow would be the last day that Max and I would be together home. I won't be able to see him until three months and that was a while away. Him being away from me sucked hard. Even though he was stupid, funny, annoying, irking, and handsome, Max was still my fiancé and I did love him very much. It would hurt me more to watch him leave. I needed to suck it up though, it's not tomorrow yet, I still have time with him today. I plan on spending every second with him. I'll miss you Max Tiller.

It was 6:00 p.m. at night. Max and I were planning on going out to dinner together. He was down stairs while I was picking a date night outfit. In my closet, I found a black asymmetrical floor length tee dress with some black heels. For my jewelry, I wore my silver cross with small hoop earrings. Then for my hair, it was styled in a curly ponytail with a bouffant. Looking in the mirror, I looked hot and then looking down, there's my small baby bump. (Soo Cute.)

Walking down the stairs, I saw Max gawking at me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek as he walked me out the front door. During the drive, the radio was playing some country music and I was jamming right along with it. Max was laughing at me, but I didn't care. I was having a good time in the car. And then, my favorite song came on and Max rolled his eyes. I was going to annoy his ass very much.

"Every time you kiss me it's like sunshine and whiskey." I was moving my body to the beat.

"Really, babe. I'm about to turn this crap off." Rolling his eyes.

"You turn this song off, I cut your hand off." I gave him the stink eye.

"I'll believe it when I feel it." Max shook his head.

The song kept playing and I kept singing along with it, while Max tried to cover his ears even though he was driving. Sooner or later, we arrived at Applebee's. As we got out the car, Max grabbed my hand and we strolled into the restaurant. A waiter came and seated us at a booth. The woman handed menus to look over while our assigned waiter would come and serve us.

"What are you thinking about, Max?" I placed my hand on top of his.

Max signed. "Time has passed soo quickly. I don't think I can leave you already, Tate."

"I understand how you feel, but this is an opportunity and you can't just pass this offer so quickly. I'll support you any way that I can. Don't give up your dream, when you can always come back home to me." I smiled.

"I suppose you're right. I can't pass up an offer like this. Thank you Tate, thank you." Max leaned over and gave me a kiss.

A waiter named, Ivan came over to our table and asked us for our drinks. I asked for water with lemon and Max wanted some peach tea. He didn't want to order any wine or beer because he knew that I couldn't drink it. Then for our appetizers, we asked for the BBQ wing dings and some celery with ranch. The waiter nodded his head and went off to put our orders in. While we were alone, I decided to fill Max in on some stuff that's been going on with my mom and her new lover.

"So, since we went out to dinner, guess who's going out to a fancy restaurant with a newbie?"

"Who?" Max's eyebrow risen.

"My mom. She wanted to talk to me about it three days ago. She was asking for permission, but I don't understand why. She is the parent." Licking my lips.

"Wow, um how did you handle it?"

"It went ok. It is time for mom to move on. She can't keep moping around on what happened to dad. I want her to be happy and live her life. I'm glad that she's going out tonight."

"Well that's good. Your mom should deserve happiness. I hope that guy will be able to supply that for her. Though, you did say she was going out to eat tonight." Cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, so?" A puzzled look spread across my face.

"That mean's we're going to alone at the house. Meaning you and I can spend some quality time together if you know what I mean." Max smirked.

"Whatever, you butt. As long as I get to snuggle up next to you before you leave tomorrow." I began to blush.

"Well I am called a teddy bear, Tate. You can snuggle up against me all you want. Teddy Max will make your night pleasurable." He winked.

"Is it getting hot in here?"

"What, am I turning you on soo quickly?"

"No, I think it's your breath." I leaned towards his face. "Yeah, it's definitely your breath."

"Yeah, yeah, Tate. What have I done to deserve this treatment you're giving me?" A pouty face spread on his face.

"Aww, Max don't do that. You look soo hot right now."

"Maybe it's because you're pregnant, but hell with it. I have a surprise for you when we get home." He mischievously laughed.

"...And I just think I lost my appetite." I saw as our waiter came and handed our appetizers and drinks.

Dinner was amazing and it was a magical night. I loved being here with Max, but I hated knowing that he would be away for a while. Max finished paying the dinner bill and we walked out the restaurant and into the car. Max gave me his leather jacket so I could keep warm. The car engine started and we were on our way home.

Max carried me upstairs to the bedroom. He laid me gently down on the bed and pulled off my heels. Max then climbed into bed and began kissing me. I swear my heart skipped a beat. My hands ran through his shaggy dark hair has he kissed me on my neck and down to my breast. He soon helped me out of my dress and continued making love to me. I didn't want this to stop. I loved being in Max's arms.

-June 15th, 2017-

Max hugged me tightly. Tears were pouring down my face this time. Today was the day that he would be leaving and wouldn't be back until the end of August. I didn't want to let go of Max. Who was going to be the one to make me laugh when I was in one of those moods or to take me out for ice cream? He was even going to miss some of the doctor's appointments. This was very hard, very fucking hard, but it was time for Max to go. Mr. Tiller came and rest his shoulder on Max's arm.

"Come on Max, or we'll miss our flight." Mr. Tiller said.

"Just gimme a minute, dad. I want to say goodbye to my fiancée."

"Yeah sure, son." Mr. Tiller walked off.

"This isn't a goodbye, Tate. It's a see you later." Max looked at me as tears were pouring down his face also.

"I know, Max. Now, I want you to be safe and promise me that you'll call me every night before you go to bed." I wiped a tear off his face.

"I promise, Tate. Take care of yourself and our baby."

"I will. Now go on, before you miss your flight. I love you, Max." We kissed.

"Mmm, I'm gonna miss your lips. I love you too." He gave me another kiss before turning away to leave.

Mom placed her arm around my shoulder as I turned around and began to walk out of the airport. At night, I couldn't eat, drink, or sleep. Even if I spent the whole day with Max, I was going to still miss him the second he left.

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