Chapter 6

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June 16th, 2017

-Missing you-

Quickly, I got out my phone and dialed Quint's number. After the second ring, he picked up.

"Hey Tay, why did you call if I'm just in the second car?" He chuckled.

"Do you see that man on my porch?" Ignoring his laugh.


"...And do you see that black object near his side?"

"You don't think he's...?" Worriedness spread throughout his voice.

"Yes. We got to get him away from the house or something..."

Out of nowhere, Quint ran out the car, runs towards the man, and tackles him down to the ground. What was Quint doing? The man could've been dangerous. Red, Payton, Meredith, and Mason woke up and was yelling, trying to figure out what was going on. I got out the car and didn't run, but speed-walked while telling Quint to stop. The man pushed Quint off and stood up while pointing his gun at him. The man was an officer.

"Who are you and what are you doing at the Jase's residence." The cop yelled.

"I'm the owner's daughter and I would like to know what you're doing at my house." I brushed Quint's back off.

"I'm sorry to alarm you, but my name is Lewis Mowry and I'm the guy that was only coming to see Mrs. Jase." Lewis held his hand out.

Cautiously shaking his hand, Quint apologized for tackling the officer down while the rest of the group was too busy asking questions.

"Maybe I should come over tomorrow. I see you have company over and apparently your mother isn't here if she isn't answering the door. Again, I am sorry to alarm you both." Lewis walked down from the porch and got in his car.

"What the hell Quint? You scared the shit out of me doing that." I punched him in the arm.

"I'm sorry, Tay. I really am, but who knows who was standing in front of the door. And if your mom was home, I didn't want your mom to get hurt. Just as if it were you." Quint immediately blushed.

"Thank you, Quint even if you almost got your head blown off. Lets go inside so I can fix ya'll some dinner." I opened the door and walked into the house trying to figure out what he had just said.

It was 11:00 p.m. and I finally managed to fix up the two guest rooms and my room for the group to stay over for the night. Mom called and told me that she was at my grandma's house taking care of her while Jeanne was out to dinner with her husband. I decided to go outside and sit on the porch while I was going to call Max. This would be the first phone call with him being away and I honestly couldn't wait to hear his voice.

Picking up my phone, I dialed his number and waited for him to answer. For a while I thought it was going to go straight to voice mail, but luckily, he finally answered.

Tate: Hey Max.

Max: Baby, I'm glad to be hearing your voice. I really miss you Tate even though it's only been a day.

Tate: I miss you as well. How's Monte Carlo?

Max: It's amazing here. I went to meet with my dad's business partners and they were pleased to meet me.

Tate: That's nice. Anything else exciting?

Max: Well yeah. We did visit the famous casino in Monte Carlo to meet up with his business partners. Right now, I'm in the grand hotel waiting for my dad to get the hell out of the shower. But enough about me, how have you been doing?

Tate: I've been doing just fantastic.

Max: Mrs. soon-to-be Tiller, are you being sarcastic with me?

Tate: No I'm not, Mr. Tiller. Today has been fantastic.

Max: How so?

Tate: My mom surprised me by bringing the group over. Today was a great day. I had lots of fun with them.

Max: Babe, that's good. I want you to live on with your life while I'm away.

Tate: Max, but I don't have a life when you're not with me.

Max: Don't say that, Tate. You'll always have me even when I'm not there. You're like a piece of tape to my ripped paper. No matter what, I'll be there for you.

Tate: I know, Max. I just want to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat. I want to feel you next to me.

Max: Well, since you say that, I did give you a gift.

Tate: Another gift.

Max: This one is needed though.

Tate: Ok, go on.

Max: I want you to go in your top drawer and there would be a white box with a red ribbon tied to it.

Tate: Ok, I see the box.

Max: Now open it.

Tate: ...

Max: Did you open it?

Tate: ...

Max: Tate, how long does it take to open a box?

Tate: Max, did you seriously give me cologne? What do I need cologne for?

Max: Spray it on my pillow.

Tate: Why?

Max: Just do it.

Tate: Whatever, dad.

Max: ;)

Tate: Ok I sprayed it.

Max: Now smell the cologne.

Tate: ...

Max: What do you smell?

Tate: I smell you. Max...I don't know what to say.

Max: I did that on purpose because I hate not being with you for three months and it would be selfish of me to not give you something of a remembrance of me while I'm gone. So since I always be smelling awesome, I got that cologne for you so you'd know that even though I'm not there in person, I'm there in your presence. In your heart.

Tate: Max, you're going to make me cry. Why do you always seem to make me happy?

Max: I think that's the other way around.

Tate: Don't ruin the moment. I really do appreciate this and I'll use it for you. Thank you, babe.

Max: No problem, Tate. I'd do anything for you. I thought I already told you this.

Tate: Max, I will hang up.

Max: Well you have to anyway. I'm sorry to cut us short, but I do have to get to a meeting.

Tate: I won't keep you waiting, Mr. Tiller.

Max: I promise you deep down. I can't wait to get home to you and do some naughty things to you.

Tate: Well we'll just have to wait til then.

Max: Yeah we do. I love you, Tate.

Tate: I love you too, Max. Be safe and have a good day.

Max: You too and have a good night. Talk to you later.

Tate: Yeah.

I hanged up the phone and laid down on my bed. I continued to stiff the scent of the cologne. It really smelled like him even though he wasn't here. At least it kept me smiling still. I looked over my bed to see Red, Gina, Christen, and Meredith snoring on the air mattress in my room. This was going to be a long night.

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