Chapter 8

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-July 3rd, 2017-

-Unexpected Person-

(Tate's Point of View)

Mom was going out to dinner with her new boyfriend, Lewis so that meant that I'll be home alone today. She was expected back until midnight. I decided to make me some salmon with string beans and mash potatoes for dinner after I took a shower.

Stepping into the shower I allowed the warm water to pour down onto my body. The shower felt amazing that I just wanted to stay in it forever. I washed my body down with some shower gel and then some shower lotion for moisturizing. After that, I stepped out and went into my bedroom and place some pajamas on. I threw one of Max's shirts and looked at the mirror. My stomach was poking out now. I placed my hand on my stomach and smiled to myself. I can't wait to see him or her.

As dinner was cooking, I was watching a horror film on TV in the kitchen. It was called, The Conjuring and it was my favorite horror film. There was this part when the mother was locked down into the cellar and it was dark. Then when two hands clapped, I jumped because someone was knocking on the god damn door. Dammit!

I looked out the window beside the door and saw someone that I haven't seen in two fucking months. He stood there with his hands in his pockets as he waited for me to open the door. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and his face lit up.

"Taytum, I didn't think you would answer the door." Tyler smiled.

"What are you doing here, Tyler?" Standing in the doorway.

"I came over to ask if you wanted to talk or not."

"Not at this moment, Tyler. I'm kinda busy." I lied, but I was cooking dinner so technically I was busy.

"Yeah sure. Sorry that I bothered you," Tyler turned to walk off towards his car.

Guilt washed over me. For some reason I hate watching someone just walk away because of me. "No Tyler, come in."

For a sec, I saw Tyler smirk as her turned back to face me. I beckoned him over as I went back into the house to check dinner. Tyler closed the door and he came into the kitchen.

"Thank you, Taytum." He began to sniff. "Wow, that smells really good."

"Yeah, I was making dinner for myself, but since you're here also, I guess I could make some as well for you." Rolling my eyes.

"Um, I heard about you and Max and the baby. Congratulations by the way. I'm happy for you." Tyler sat in a chair.

"Thanks. So what did you want to talk about?" Looking at him.

"I'd rather tell you while we are eating."

"Sure." I groaned.

"Well, where's Max at?" Tyler scanned the room.

"Well he's not here, duh. You heard about me being pregnant, but you didn't hear that Max was up in Monte Carlo for a business trip."

"I uh, didn't know that. Monte Carlo ,though? That's a nice place."

"Yeah, it is." I added.

"So, when is he going to be back?" Tyler asked.

"At the end of August."

There was a long silence between us. All you could hear was the string beans cooking in the medium sauce pan. I didn't really want to talk to Tyler at the moment because after that conversation between us at the hospital, he hasn't really even tried to contact me. I've tried to contact him and talk to him about some of the stuff that has been going on and he's just been ignoring my calls or just has agreed to himself that I wasn't shit to him. I was fed up with his crap and now he's here in my house about to eat my damn food. (Ain't that some bullshit?)

I finally finished with dinner. Tyler was sitting at the dinner table while I filled our plates up with the food I made. Then I placed the plate in front of him and sat down. It was hard for me to make eye contact with him. I didn't really want to look at him. I couldn't stand the sight of him, but I also didn't have the balls to tell him to leave.

"This is very good, Taytum." Tyler continued stuffing his face.

"Cut it out with the bullshit, Tyler. Now tell me why the hell you're here after two months." I slammed my fork down on my plate.

Tyler signed and then picked up his napkin to wipe his face. "First, I'd like to apologize for treating you like shit and ignoring your phone calls. After you rejected me, I was really angry at you and was putting it out on you. I understand why you chose Max. I honestly would've done the same if I were you. Truly, I did treat you like crap, picked on you, joined in with crowds and teased you. made fun of you, but deep down I did care about you. It was just hard for me to express it. And now that you're officially marrying Max and having his baby, it's time for me to let go. I won't be able to have you, Taytum. I hurt you soo many times that I can barely count them all."

I was taken back for a moment. Who was this person that was eating my food? This isn't Tyler, but then it is. All I could say was, "So what are we then?"

"Taytum, I can't be friends with you. Yes, I know I'm being quite selfish when you think about it, but I can't. I hate seeing you with Max, but I also have to accept the fact that he won. He's the one that won your heart. I could never do that. I could never give you all of me. And if we continue to be friends, I'm going to become more and more jealous and I can't help that. It's something about you that makes me not feel like the heartless guy that I am. I want you Taytum, but I can't have you. That is why I came over to break our friendship apart. I wanted to see you one last time until I knew this friendship was officially over." Tyler got up and leaned towards my face. Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Good bye, Taytum.

"Wait, Tyler. Please don't go." I begged him.

"Taytum, please just let me go. I can't take you begging." He kept walking.

I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. Tyler looked at me and then picked my face up and kissed me on the lips. I quickly reacted and pushed him off of me.

"See, I can't have you." Tyler made his way out the door.

I managed to grab his arm again before he could leave, but then Tyler shrugged me off of him and slammed the door before I could chase after him. I placed my back against the door and slid down to the ground. I just lost a good friend even if he treated me the way he did.

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