Chapter 9

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August 20, 2017

-Where are you now?-

(Max's point of view)

YES! I was finally on the airplane and I couldn't wait to get home and see my beautiful fiancée and our baby girl's sonograms. Yeah, you are most certainty correct. Taytum is having a girl and we both knew it. I even bought my two princesses some gifts for when I get back. I couldn't even contain myself. I was sooo happy. My dad had to literally tell me to shut the fuck up. Not my words. Anyway I was texting Tate, telling her that I'd be there in 8 hours. I wish the time was shorter, but at least it ain't a 13 hour flight.

My dad and I were discussing how Monte Carlo was and what I thought about the whole business experience. To be honest that was the hardest three months in my life. Though, Natalia did make my days easier when they were stressful. She was a good friend and I thank her for the tours and the whole Monte Carlo experience. But in deed I tell you, I am not wasting my life on business stuff when we can skype on the computer.

I woke up startled to hear noises coming from the front of the plane. There was like some sort of argument going on and I didn't really know what was happening. My dad looked at me with the same confused expression on his face just like me. Then out of nowhere, a flight attendant runs into the class and starts screaming. My dad takes his belt off and goes towards the woman.

"Ma'am what in the holy hell is going on?"

The woman couldn't breathe, so dad took his hand and placed it on her back. She seemed to calm down a bit. I was a bit worried myself. What was going on in the front of the plane?

"There's a man with a gun raising it at the co-piolet and the piolet." She cried.

My eyes opened wide. What!?

"Is he still in there?" Dad asked.

"Yes he's still in there."

Dad went to go see what the woman was talking about, when a gun shot was fired. Everyone was screaming immediately. My breathing was increasing by the second. Then another shot was fired. I got out of my seat to ask dad, what we were going to do, until five men got out of their seats waving automatic weapons around the plane. How the hell did they get that on the god damn plane without getting caught? People need to do their jobs.


Dad and I both went back into our seats and buckled in. I was shaking uncontrollably. All I kept on thinking was, please to make this out alive. I have a wife, daughter, mom, and brother that I want to return home to. The five men sat down in their seats and buckled in as well.


Immediately the plane was going down. I was having a panic attack. No, no, no. This can't happen. This can't fucking happen. I waited three fucking months and now this is happening. Dad rest his head on mine as other people were pleading for the men to stop this. This was all a dream, I kept telling myself that, but this was very real. The five men were now laughing and fist bumping one another. I couldn't just leave Tate and my baby girl. I couldn't just do that to her. I promised her that I would, I would be there.

"I love you, son." Dad held me close to him. "...I'm sorry for not being that perfect father you pictured to have and I'm sorry I won't be able to protect you."

Tears welled up in both of our eyes. We were close to the ground.

"SEE YOU ALL IN HELL!!!" The man laughed.

I gasped as we...

(Tate's point of view)

I was so excited to see Max and my father in-law. I've been waiting for three months and it's finally happening. I got the text message from Max saying that he'd be here in eight hours and that he loves me. I smiled to myself and placed my hand on my belly. I can't believe I'm having a baby girl. Well I kinda knew that I was, but still it's a surprise. I can't wait to see her.

I was sitting on the chairs in the airport with mom. She had gotten us some coffee. It was 6:00 a.m and honestly, I was really tired. Only two more hours until the plane arrived. The group was here to celebrate the arrival of Max, but they too were tired as well. We were again playing, never have I ever and this time it was a pain in the ass. Red, Payton, Bryce, and Christen were released from the Center. So now we only had to wait on Mason, Gina, and Meredith.

Waking up, I saw Quint looking over me. There was a worried look on his face. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was 9:00 a.m. and I realized that Max nor his dad wasn't here. The plane should've landed an hour ago so where are they? I jumped up quick, but there was a sharp pain from my stomach.

"Ok, ok, baby girl. I'm sorry." I said. "Where is Max and Mr. Tiller?"

"They haven't arrived yet. In fact the woman that we talked to, says that they don't know where the plane is. They lost contact with the plane four hours ago. Apparently, it was headed to France." Quint looked off to the side.

"France? Why the hell were they heading to France?" I looked at them all with questions. Where was my future husband? Where was my father in-law? "I'm going to that woman, right now."

The group and my mom followed me to the woman and she looked quite startled by all of us.

"I would like to know where the flight that is flying here from Monte Carlo is." I demanded.

"Ma'am, I understand your concerns, but we're trying to do the best we can with finding the plane." The phone ranged and she answered it.

I decided to take out my phone and call Max. His phone with straight to voice mail. "Come on, pick up Max." I then tried to call Mr. Tiller, but there wasn't a reply from him either. Something happened terribly.

Turning my head, the TV was switched to the news and I fell to the floor. There was fire-fighters and police officers surrounding a plane that crashed in Paris. It was flight 44, the flight that Max and his dad were on. Tears poured down my face so hard. I couldn't believe that this was happening. After three months of waiting, this happens. Will he even be ok?

"Six men were identified as terrorists that have taken hostage of the plane and the people that were in it. One man took control over the steering and flew the plane towards the ground. Fire-fighters are checking a lot of people, but most are confirmed dead. There is no estimate on how many people were on the plane, but all that have been seen have not made it. We are still looking for the remaining survivors." The news reporter shook his head with sympathy. "Let us remember the families that lost their loved ones."

"NOOOO!" I screamed. I remembered Quint being by my side trying to hold me and calm me down. Max couldn't be dead. He wasn't dead. I kept telling myself over and over again that he wasn't, he just couldn't be. The camera showed dead corpses spread either in the plane or outside of it. I didn't see Max as one of them, but then he could be in the plane or outside of it laying somewhere. I needed Max to be alive. I couldn't live on without him. I'm having his child, our child and he's not here. Max, where are you?

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