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My name is Wakanda DiCarpio. I lived in New York City. I am not very that famous, but in my place they know that I am the best in magic. I'm old enough.

I can control the water, lightning, fire, nature, earth, light, darkness, ice, the weather, I can control your mind in other words Telekinesis, also I can read people's mind, Destruction, Metal, Life, Lava, Spirit and I can control the time. I can also be invisible.

And my favorite thing is I can fly and teleport.

Pretty amazing huh?

Actually I just merely scratch the true powers of my abilities.

One day, I was in the bar drinking a vodka someone sitted beside me.

"Ms. Wakanda DiCarpio the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D is looking for you." The man said.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked while sipping on my vodka.

"Mam we need to go." He said.

"Oh c'mon man I barely know you." I said while standing up and get my coat beside me.

"Mam." He called me while holding my arm.

"Easy man. I'm going with you don't worry." I said while tapping his shoulders and smile.

I pay the waiter and we headed out.

We got in his car and he started driving.

"So, what does the director of S.H.I.E.L.D want with me?" I asked while eating my lollipop from my pocket.

He keep silent.

"C'mon man talk to me." I said while stopping his car.

"I think he needed your help." He said while driving his car again.

I nodded while looking outside the window.

"So, Agent Coulson? Can I trust this director that you were saying?" I asked while looking at him.

"How did you fucking know my name?!" He asked loudly.

"Language agent. I'm a magician remember." I said while winking at him.

Not too long we were here now.

We come inside and I saw that there are many people going on around.

My gut is not feeling well.

"Oh fuck." I whispered while somebody nudge me.

"I'm sorry mam." He shouted.

We are now in a room and I could see a man in his back.

"Good evening sir. Your Agent said that you might want my help?"I asked while examining the room.

"Yes, he's right. I am Nick Fury." He said and stand now infront of me.

"It's nice to meet you Sir." I said while shaking my hands with him.

"So, what's the problem?" I asked while looking around.

"The Tesseract." He said.

"Holy Shit." I mumbled.

"The Tesseract?! That's why I have a bad feeling when I come in your facility." I said while closing my eyes and try to detect where is the tesseract.

"Follow me." He said and I followed him.

I can see now the cube.

Sir Nick Fury is now talking to the doctor I think.

"Where's Agent Barton?" Sir Nick Fury asked the doctor.

"As usually he's in his nest." The doctor replied and point his back.

"I'm Wakanda, nice to meet you doctor." I said while I bow to him and follow Sir Nick Fury.

They started to ramble on things while I followed them.

"And by the way, this is Ms. Wakanda DiCarpio." Sir Nick Fury said to Agent Barton.

Agent Barton looked at me while examining me.

"I'm Wakanda DiCarpio, nice to meet you Agent Clint Barton." I said while I offer my hands to him.

He nodded and we shake hands.

Actually we know each other. We know each other long ago.

They started to talk while we go infront of the cube.

I use my finger to touch the cube.

"Holy Shit." I cursed while holding my finger.

"Sir this is not good." I said while looking at the both of them.

The cube started to misbehave.

The Portal. No it can't be.

The cube started to create a portal.

Their guards started to move forward.

"Ms. DiCarpio come here." Sir Nick Fury said.

"I will be fine sir." I said while smiling.

Loki. The brother of Thor.

"Sir please put down the sphere." Sir Nick Fury said to Loki.

Loki started to atack us and I run to push Agent Barton and Sir Nick, so that Loki cannot hit them.

"You okay?" I asked while some lightning is surrounding my body.

"I'm sorry about that, that happens when I am a little bit nervous." I said while winking at them.

I stand up and saw that Loki is looking at me.

"What's up?" I asked while walking towards him.

"You never changed my dear." He said while smiling.

He point his sphere into my chest and he thinks that he can humilate me.

I wink at him while holding the sphere and put something on it.

I snap my finger and now beside Sir Nick.

"You okay sir?" I asked while getting the cube and place it in a briefcase.

Loki humilate Agent Barton, the other man and the Doctor.

Agent Barton said to Loki that this place is about to blow and the doctor agree on him.

Agent Barton shot Sir Nick with his gun.

And Loki attacked me with the sphere.

It hit me on my left arm and left chest.

"Wakanda we need to go." Sir Nick said to me.

I nodded while standing up and follow him.

We run until we reached outside and we come in the helicopter.

We keep up with Agent Barton and Sir Nick Fury started to shoot his gun at them and I throw something to Agent Barton and The doctor.

I use my ice to freeze the car. But Loki just use the sphere to stop the ice.

We jumped down because Loki attacked the Helicopter.

"Holy Shit." I mumble and use my earth magic to create a thick stone infront of them.

But as usually Loki attacked it with sphere.

They started to got away and I am kinda got angry, so lightning is striking everywhere. My hands started to heat up.

I put my gloves and look at Sir Nick Fury.

"So that's why you need me." I whispered while looking at my bloody clothes.

He nodded while looking at me.

"I will be going now Director Nick Fury. Don't worry I will be there when you and they needed me." I said while pulling out a small motorcycle and use my magic to big it.

"Goodbye." I said while holding my coat and it turns to a motorcycle jacket.

I winked at Sir Nick Fury before driving my motorcycle forward.


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