'Memories that cannot retrieve'

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           ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

'Where am I?'

I looked everywhere and it seems this is mostly likely to be a dream.

'So, you are Wakanda?" Someone asked behind me.

'Oh what the hell who are you?" I said while I looked to the guy behind me.

'As you can see they are different Gods around the world. And I am one of them. I am the God of memories." He explained while smiling.

'Okay? And why are we talking?" I asked confused.

'Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha and Banner cannot remember you saving them right? But they feel that you are very special to them since you saved their lives.' He stated.

'And? What about that?' I asked still confused.

'Since I am myself don't know really why does that happen, but I think that memories cannot retrieve anymore because it happened past few years." He explained.

'Where are we really getting into this? Just go straight from the point." I asked getting irritated.

'Their memories of you saving them cannot retrieve anymore, but there is one thing that will make their memories go back is if you die.' He said while now infront of me.

'You messed with the God of Death I think that's why their memories are gone. And the only way they will remember you is if you die.' He stated while tapping my shoulders.

"You are the God of memories right? But how could you not make them remember?" I asked still confused about everything his saying.

'Death is powerful. Even the God of Death. I'm surprised when you are able to counter their deaths that's why I am saying this to you.' He said before disappearing.

I wake up with a throbbing head.

I hold it before sittung up.

It seems I am here inside Steve's room.

"You okay?" He asked from his closet.

I just nodded.

"Tony said you fell asleep with him while watching movies. He bring you here because he got to do something important." Steve said while coming out from his small closet.

"Oh where are you going?" I asked him while eyeing his suit.

"Here." He said while giving me a beautiful dress.

"Get dress, I will be waiting outside. The sandals are there on top of my drawer. Be quick so that we will not be late." He said before going out.

I just nodded and lock his door. I started to wear the dress and the sandals. I put some liptint and powder while tying my hair like a bun.

I looked on the mirror before unlocking the door.

I opened the door and go out before looking at him.

He stare at me for a couple of seconds.

"Hey, Captain.." I said while waving my hand infront of him.

He holds my hand didn't saying anything.

He pulled me in a jet with him.

"Is this authorized?" I asked before taking a sit.

"I didn't need to make it authorize. Since, I just want to be with you for the night." He said while smiling at me.

He started to make it fly and headed to New York, City.

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