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"So I am really curious.. You gave me this, and this is my favorite candy. Why are you really here?" Wakanda asked curious gotting into her body.

"Doesn't matter." He said while leaning on the wooden bench.

"Hmm.. Okay." She said while eating her favorite candy.

"I was wondering, what is really my unfinished business?" Wakanda asked, earning a sigh from the God of memories.

"Come on, Chris.. I've been here for 5 hours." She said looking at him.

Its a surprise that the God of memories just let her use his name.

"Its just 5 minutes in earth." He said while clasping his hands together infront of him.

"Alright, but you are avoiding the question." She said while pouting.

"I am the God of memories, not a God of answers Wakanda." He asked irritation can hear on his voice.

Wakanda let out a sad sigh. What is really her unfinished business?

Wakanda distracted herself. Singing her favorite song, while lying down on the wooden bench.

"You got a nice voice." Chris suddenly said, making you stop singing.

"Yeah, like I would care. Really Chris why are you still here and what is my unfinished business?" Wakanda asked while sitting up.

"Will you stop calling me Chris? I am a God now." Chris said, really avoiding the question.

"Don't look like one." She muttered laying back to the wooden bench.

"Your back will hurt if you stay like that." He whispered while closing his eyes.

"Just wait, don't ask anymore." He said while his hand is full of Wakanda's favorite chips.

"Here, eat while waiting." He said giving the chips to her.

"How did you know my favorite chips?" Wakanda asked sitting up again, and started to eat the chips offering some to Chris, but he refuse.

"I didn't know. I remember. I am the God of memories, I am not just for nothing." He said while he actually is eating the chips now with Wakanda, because Wakanda is forcing him to eat chips.

"It taste really good." He admitted, he find himself eating of it more.

"What really good? Its freakin' delicious." She said while eating more of it.

"Anything you say princess." He said still eating, he is like hooked to the chips.

"Princess?" Wakanda asked, shocked that he called her princess, but more confused.

"Never mind me." He said, someone clears their throat making Wakanda looked who is it.

"Who are you guys?" She asked, Chris stand up wiping his hand to his handkerchief.

"Enjoying chips big brother?" A smaller man than Chris asked.

Chris rolled his eyes.

"Who are them?" Wakanda asked trailing to Chris.

"I am the God of Life, my darling." The man said with a smile on his face.

"God of life?" Wakanda asked examining his face.

He nodded taking a step forward to her.

"And this is our younger brother, God of time." He said showing pointing his brother.

"So... what are you doing here?" Wakanda asked really curious now.

"Simple. It isn't your right time to die." God of Life said.

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