'Unfinished Business'

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Once Wakanda said her last words, every avengers make their way to her.

"Wakanda. This is not funny. Wake up.." Clint said before dropping to his knees beside her.

He pulled Wakanda closed to his arms.

Clint started to cry, this is the first time he really cried hard.

Steve looking at Wakanda with teary-eye. Tony looking at her like, this is his fault, he promised her nothing will happen.

Hulk shrinking back to Banner. Thor looked at her, but he didn't know that there is a tear fell on his face, he didn't know why. But, it seems this Wakanda is part of his life.

Natasha watched the boys getting hurt, by Wakanda being dead. Natasha never thought that Wakanda has a big impact to them, ofcourse to her too.

"Sir, it seems like Wakanda saved your lives." Jarvis said to Tony who seems like having a hard time processing what is happening right now.

Tony looked at the corrupted files, and all of it is Wakanda's files. Tony widened his eyes, very shock of what he's seen.

"Wakanda." Tony muttered under his breath while dropping his cellphone to the ground.

Everyone looks at it with shocked face.

Soon, memories... Old memories start to flood their minds.

While they are having their memories back.

Wakanda wakes up in the middle of nowhere, where every one that she did in order to save them, all of that memories are being shown to her.

"So, this is where my brain is having a flashback for 7 minutes." Wakanda muttered under her breath, with her flower still on her hands, but that flower is dead.

7 minutes have passed, Wakanda wakes up in a middle of bonfire.

"Dad...." She said while looking at her dad sitting by the bonfire.

"Mom.." She stated looking at her mommy too.

"Sweetie?" They both asked, staring at Wakanda.

"Did I come too early?" Wakanda asked while smiling a bit.

"Yeah, too early sweetie."Her dad said while patting the seat beside him.

Wakanda sitted beside him.

"So, I thought... People go to so called Heaven?" Wakanda asked while crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah, but people can't go there till their business is unfinished." Her dad said.

With what her dad said, Wakanda looked at him confused.

"Our unfinished business is saying a proper goodbye to you." Her dad said while smiling at her.

"Goodbye, sweetie." Her dad and mom said at the same time while smiling at her, pulling Wakanda into a final tight hug.

"Just always know that we will love you always." Her mom said, kissing her head before they disappear.

"I'll always love the both of you too." Wakanda muttered while running a hand through her hair.

'So, what is this unfinished business that I need to do?' Wakanda thought.

"What do you think is?" God of memories suddenly appeared infront of her.

"What the fu-- hell are you doing here?" Wakanda almost cursed because she startled her.

"Disappointing myself." The God of memories said while sitting on the log infront of her.

"I once a human too." The God of memories is starting a conversation.

"Woah? Really?" Wakanda said looking at him surprised.

The God of memories nodded.

"I'm a bad person, most people forget their memories. I was too naive, I even make myself forget too." The God of memories stated while looking at the fire.

"I didn't know why I become one of the so called Gods, especially the God of memories. But, I think this is my punishment." God of memories muttered.

"But what did you do to make most of the people forget their memories?" Wakanda asked her, curious.

"I did an experiment to them. Its too late now to change myself." God of memories told to her.

"There's no such thing called 'too late' people just making it for excuses." Wakanda explained while looking at the God of memories.

God of memories seems to thought about that.

"So, what's your name then?" Wakanda asked the God of memories.

"Me? Chris." God of memories said while Wakanda is smiling at him.

It appears that the God of memories was a human back then. A man.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked at her.

"If you can still remember your name, then you didn't make yourself forget." Wakanda stated making the God of memories confused.

God of memories looked forward, while Wakanda is trying to read his mind.

"You can't read my mind." He whispered.

"Oh come on! I'm almost there!" Wakanda said loudly while slamming her hand to the wood.

"Oh, really?" Chris said while smiling a bit.

Chris just chuckled at her cuteness.

'How can she be still like that even she knows she's dead.' Chris thought.

Wakanda looked at him, reading his thoughts.

"You know, I am really curious what are you doing here?" Wakanda asked to Chris.

"I have unfinished business." Chris stated while slowly his small smile fade.

'Unfinished? How can a God of memories have a unfinished business?' Wakanda thought while staring at him carefully.

She can't read what he is thinking just his thought.


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