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***Wakanda DiCarpio***

I am sleeping when I suddenly feel a weird feeling going on New York City.

I get up and wear my jacket before heading out.

I could see people are panicing because of what happening.

I looked at it and Loki is there with agent Clint Barton.

"She is here." Agent Clint stated while pointing me.

"It's been a long time, my dear." Loki stated while started to walk towards me.

"What the hell do you need?" I said while I am busy using my powers to not let the avengers wake up from their sleeps because of what is happening here.

"We need you to help us make this world beautiful." Loki stated while smirking.

"Goodness that will not ever happen." I stated while smiling.

"Are you a fool? Are you really that fool?!" He shouted the last part.

I didn't know agent Clint attacked me with his arrow and it hit me on my stomach.

I pulled it out and throw it at him.

"If you are just not part of the avengers and if you didn't have a family. I will kill you right now, Clint." I said while using my powers to stop the time and causing people to stop too.

Its just me, Clint and Loki.

Clint started to attacked me with his bow and arrows. I dodge all of it and teleported infront of him and use my powers to him and not too long he passed out.

"Now its you and me, Loki." I stated while he started to attack me with his sphere and he slice my both arms causing me to stab his chest using my gold sword.

"Why are you siding with the S.H.I.E.L.D? We could make a better world than them! You didn't have to protect the Avengers especially Stark. And the people." He explained.

"Stark is one of the guys who save me. And my father and mother said that I should protect them with my powers. I know you know that, that's why I should protect them especially the people." I explained.

Its snowing, but lightning is striking everywhere and lightning strike him causing him to be mad.

He use his powers to destroy the buildings and if that buildings really destroy the people will die because of that buildings.

I started to stop the destruction, but one thing is wrong. I am too busy on saving the people and I didn't have time to save myself.

He stab his sphere on my back causing me to spit blood.

But, as long as I am breathing I will have a way. Remember I can control life. Meaning I can control my life.

I hold him and he is now in fire.

I smirk while I bring him into darkness and manage to injured his spirit.

He retreat causing me to stop controling the time.

And everyone seems to be shocked because I forgot I am flying, but blood is dripping from my mouth and body.

I land and everyone started to thank me.

An arrow pierced to my right arm.

This is the arrow of Clint. I looked behind me and he attacked his last arrow to me before retreating.

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