'Last Day on Earth'

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             ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

We are secretly helding a meeting right now. And I know exactly where the cube will be place to open the portal.

"I know just where is it." I said, making all of them to look at me.

Tony seems to know it once I said it.

"The Stark tower." I muttered.

"Alright, then. I'll tell anyone to suit up." Steve asked while heading out.

"I'll meet you there Tony." I said, tapping his shoulders.

I head to my room, to change my clothes into a comfortable ones.

Since this day will be my last day, I want my favorite clothes to be wear.

This clothes was from my dad and I wanted to meet with him wearing the one he gave to me.

There's people I'll visit before I go into the battlefield.

I teleported to Laura's house, Clint's family.

"Laura." I called her name while leaning to the battlefield.

"God! You startled me, Wakanda." She said while holding her chest.

With the looks of her face, she'll probably know why I am here.

"Take care of Clint, Laura." I said while smiling at her.

"So, its true then?" She asked with a sad voice.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'

"He's gonna be a mess, take care of him." I said forcing myself not to cry before heading out of her room.

I peeked through Callum and Lewis room before finally heading off somewhere.

"Ms. Pepper.." I called while sitting infront of her, with her staff looking at me.

"Wakanda right?" She asked looking confuse.

"Yep." I said while drinking the wine infront of her.

"Nice wine. Nice for being my last drink." I muttered under my breath before focusing my gaze on her.

"You must be confused, why I suddenly go here." I stated with a smile on my face.

She agreed while still looking at me.

"I'll never let Tony die." I said patting her shoulders before teleporting back to the S.H.I.E.L.D to see Sir Nick.

I stand beside him.

"I know you'll watch us. Just don't be surprised if something horrible happen." I said while putting my hands inside my pocket.

He looks at me, like he is looking at me with a teary eye.

"I'll get going then, sir Nick. Till next time. If there will be." I said making clones and teleported them to each one of them.

Each avenger. This will be my last time with them, I don't want to lose the chance to be with them one last time.

But, me the original one will be with Tony.

I attacked every one from the outer space, with Tony flying behind me.

He glance at me before making an attack to them.

"You'll be alright, right?" He asked while flying beside me.

"Ofcourse." I said while smiling at him.

Soon, we are distracting like a big turtle centipede. Weird right?

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