'Memories of the Avengers (Clint Barton, Thor, Bruce, and Nat)'

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"I love you too, Clint." She said while pulling me into a kiss.

I kissed her back, enjoying her lips on my lips.

"Did you really mean that?!" I asked loudly.

She nodded pulling me for another kiss. I am her first kiss! How can I be so lucky with this woman? She's perfect. I never thought she'll love me back.

We pulled away for a second, but I smashed my lips to hers again. Kissing her passionately. She tangled her hands to my hair pulling me into a more deep kiss. I put my arms on her waist, pulling her to me grinding myself to hers. Needing more of her body against mine.


"I'll exchange myself, but in exchange I need you to let Clint live." Wakanda said, she smile at me gesturing that its okay.

"It's not okay, Wakanda! Don't do this! I'll rather die, but I don't want you to exchange yourself for me!" I shouted, I am on top of the building and she's on the other top of the building.

"You'll soon forget me, my love. They did something to your head. You'll never remember me again." Wakanda said, sending a long stare to my face before they handcuffed Wakanda.

"WAKANDA!" I shouted when they started to blind fold her, taping her mouth. They punch her stomach, her jaw.

"Wakanda...." I can't see her like this, and what is she saying that I will forget her?

I will never ever forget her....

"I forgot her.... How can I?" I whispered, putting my hands on my head.

I stare to Wakanda's lifeless body.

"How can I forgot you, Wakanda?" I whispered, letting my emotions flow by my tears flooding out of my eyes.


"I am the God of Thunder, Thor. So what is your name, angry woman?" I asked to the woman who is fighting by my side, when the Asgard is being attacked by my brother Loki.

"I am not angry. In earth its called sassy, sarcastic or sarcasm." She said while attacking the army of Loki infront of her.

"Alright, but what is your name?" I asked looking at her eyes, that turning into blue eyes.

"Wakanda DiCarpio, Thor." She said and with that her hands have a bow and arrow. But its made of lightning.

"You can use lightning too?!" I asked surprised.

"Ofcourse, but we should not let Loki get the tesseract. You know when the portal will open at the earth, all of the energies will be sucked by my body, because I am like a magnet of energies." She explained.

"But we are in outer space and you are okay." I said before standing beside her.

"As long as the space stone or rather the tesseract will not broken, I'll be fine. Because if you use the tesseract as the portal, there will be a slice on the center of it and the space stone will have a slice a tiny bit, bit you may not notice it, but its there and the energies will leak from that space stone. If the tesseract will be broken though and the space stone will be use, I'll still be fine as long as the space stone is not damage." She explained, I looked at her confused.

"Why are you saying this to me angry woman?" I asked, dodging an object thrown by the enemy.

"I don't know either." She said and with that with our combine power we kill all of the army of Loki.

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