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"I'm very very sorry for my slipped of my tongue, I sucked at keeping secrets. I'm sorry older brother." Tan said bringing his head down.

"Don't worry, Tan. Atleast we don't have to keep secrets to the princess." Chris said holding Tan's shoulders.

"We need to get going now, got some work to do." Chris said, pulling Wakanda into a tight hug.

"Good luck on your journey, princess." Chris said pecking her cheeks, Tan pulled her into a hug too.

"Avengers, take care of princess Wakanda. I know all of you are thankful to us. I'll let older brother know that you thanked us." Chris said, smiling at them before he and Tan disappeared.

"Princess Wakanda huh." Thor said, slowly bowing to her.

"Hey! Stop it!" Wakanda said straightening him.

The others let out a laugh, while looking at her happily.

So, Wakanda is the princess of magic. That's why.

"Shawarma? For Wakanda being a princess." Tony said earning a look from Wakanda.

"Sounds like a plan, mr. Stark." She said while the rest of the Avengers follow them both.

"So, then your so high now Wakanda." Bruce said.

"I'm still me Bruce. And that will never change." Wakanda said looking at them, showing that she is still her.

"Baby bear." Tony said while smiling.

"Sweetheart." Clint said, while grinning.

"Babe.." Steve said while smiling widely.

"Baby." Bruce said, sending a grin to Wakanda.

"Bestie." Natasha said letting a smile appear on her face.

"Angry woman!" Thor said loudly earning a laugh from the whole group.

"What's funny? Aren't we saying our made up names for Wakanda?" Thor asked confused, scratching his hair.

With what Thor said, the whole group laugh until they are breathless.

Who knew that this will be the ending? So perfect for everyone.

But nothing last forever right? There will always and always villians who will try to wipe the whole world or universe. There will always who will die sometimes faded into nothingness, but for now let's enjoy this time.

Where the Avengers have won the war. Where they didn't lost the one they love.

Until next time, I am presenting again to you 'Magic'

Sincerely yours, Author.

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